Michael Ramirez for March 23, 2009

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    MaryWorth Premium Member over 15 years ago

    … and may a drunken yak date Ann Coulter!

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    NoFearPup  over 15 years ago

    Americans do not associate dignity with the office anymore. But I do : Thank you Pres. Obama for your service - may God bless your leadership skills for His’ sake!

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    Pup I have tried and tried, I can not. He is too much of a liar. I know God can change things, but I don’t see it. Why would he bless this nation, the nation throwing Him out of everything? I know it is not up to me to decide that, but it is how I currently feel.

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    devee  over 15 years ago

    I’m shaking my head. I wonder why the supreme being of the universe, whoever or whatever that is, would be brought into this particular discussion. ?

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    Jam_t78  over 15 years ago

    mytinytown says “a liar” A liar?? WT hell is that about? Give the man a chance–he’s working diligently to keep his promises, despite all the “NO” from the Rep-tards

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    tigernest1  over 15 years ago

    Before 9-11, W had taken more vacation days than any other president. But Obama is working at keeping the public informed, not avoiding his responsibility!

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    MaryWorth Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Repeating the statement “Obama has kept us safe for XX days” should win any arguement with a Republican…

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    charliekane  over 15 years ago


    And may the fleas of a thousand camels infest her, well, uh, you know…

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    dhleaky  over 15 years ago

    Dale HopsonPro says:

    … and may a drunken yak date Ann Coulter , DH it was already done, the date was with A. Coulters Mother. , Sorry, folks, I could not resist.

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    Jam_t78 He lied about tons, I can not sit here and type it all. Don’t have time. I will say, he lied about his agenda, he lied about his citizenship, he lied about his stimulus, he also lied when he said (mainly about the 1st package) the republicans and democrats came together on this bill, it is 99.9% democrats and 3 republicans that liked it. He lied about his “No Pork” and he lied about his “no earmarks” in these bills too. Michael Obama took a vacation LESS then 1 month in to his term!!! Don’t insult over vacations.

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    HUMPHRIES  over 15 years ago

    tiny, think you have a hang-up.

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    Dtroutma  over 15 years ago

    He took his message to the people and had an intelligent conversation with Jay. Bush would only have made a couple second clip from a “Jaywalking” segment.

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    deadheadzan  over 15 years ago

    mytiny-you seem really paranoid about Obama. Obama is being a leader, being available to the American people, talking about complex issues. When did W ever do that?

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    smoothgroove  over 15 years ago

    tiny, if you are concerned about his agenda, you can rate him on his written agenda at whitehouse.gov.

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    tracht47  over 15 years ago

    I read that Leno’s ratings were way up that night as were ratings for 60 Minutes on Sunday when Obama was on. Despite the carping from the far right, people like this president and want him to succeed.

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    deadheadzan Obama is being a leader? I need examples. Stimulus 1. Stimulus 2. Stimulus 3. These are BAD examples, so use others please. When did Bush? When he fought off terrorism. When he gave money back to the people (tax check). When he fought off the UN telling them he does not need to listen to them anymore. When he captured Saddam. When he gave money back to the people again (lower taxes). When he gave money back to the people AGAIN (bigger tax check). When he fought for oil independence. tracht47 Would not listen to 60 minutes about there “ratings”, I would feel Leno’s would be a little more accurate, but still not buying it. Hear to many people who voted for him regretting it. I wish his to succeed, but he won’t by using old policies that just don’t work. Raising the dept to unheard amounts will not cause us to succeed. It will cause massive long term failure (a nice dept for our kids and grand kids to pay off) or socialism. So me personally would love to see him succeed. But with what he is doing if he currently succeeds, our country might end up failing.

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    churchillwasright I agree, I said vacation because they used the word vacation when talking about him signing the bill. Yes he is holding to his socialist campaign promises. But I still call him a liar cause he is a liar. oldlegodad You are very correct, he is scaring people in to liking him. Like Al Gore said about Bush, “He played on our fears”. Bad democrat, no tax money.

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    curiosity1  over 15 years ago

    @mtt - regarding your first comment here:

    Finding God is your individual privilege in a free society. Fortunately we live in a country that still allows you that privilege. It is not up to our country to adhere to God’s will or reject it. It is up to our country to protect that we EACH have the liberty to practice our faith or lack thereof without interference from the government or one another. Something which is an extremely complex affair.

    Yes - it would be easier if everyone practiced your faith and the government believed that was the one true faith.

    What if yours isn’t the one that’s picked? We need to be very judicious when we talk about religion and its role in public governance. It’s all well and good for people to yell and scream that my marriage is against their God’s Law. But it is NOT against my God’s Law. Live your faith in your life and share with those around you what you believe in and do what you can to protect the rights of ALL citizens to practice their faith in peace - EVEN IF THAT FAITH is anathema to you. Otherwise - you ARE the Taliban and American Freedom is valueless.


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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    curiosity1 I missed your point. Mine was to suggest that God has the power to change someone’s heart. Whether you believe in Him or not. I never suggested that all should follow my religion or Obama should either. I did say we are throwing Him out of the country. Because a teacher in school can not put Jesus on her classroom wall, a judge in his courtroom can not have the 10 commandments. We as a country are clearly through all but the muslim religion out. As you said, “Live your faith in your life and share with those around you what you believe in and do what you can to protect the rights of ALL citizens to practice their faith in peace - EVEN IF THAT FAITH is anathema to you.” I agree, but do not make a believe throw his/her value out cause you do not agree. I would have no problem is a muslim teacher had a picture of Allah on the wall of her classroom as long as the teacher down the hall could have Jesus. On the same note, if a teacher can not have a pic of Jesus on the wall, should a different one be allowed Obama?

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