FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for March 18, 2009
Jason: Peter, I need some advice. Peter: Ask away, grasshopper. Jason: When you had your first sort of mini, micro tiny relationship with a girl, what did you do to, you know, keep it quiet? Peter: Keep it quiet? Jason, the first time a girl said she'd go out with me, I announced it over the P.A. system, sent photos to the school paper, and tattooed her name on my bicep with a red magic marker. Jason: Maybe I should wait for Dad to come home. Peter: Mind you, it wasn't until several years later that a girl actually did go out with me.
attyush almost 16 years ago
Peter’s story sounds familiar.
ANandy almost 16 years ago
Wouldn’t it be great to have a concept that didn’t have to be filtered through your gonads?
cleokaya almost 16 years ago
If you are a guy, gonads are going to involve all of life’s decisions. It’s just the way we’re wired.
alyssaanne007 almost 16 years ago
luv it!
SarahT00 almost 16 years ago
I miss the live strip!
mrprongs almost 16 years ago
The problem with gonads are, they require way too much blood, so your brain has to make a sacrifice.