PreTeena by Allison Barrows for February 22, 2010

  1. Large pumpkin in window
    Dkram  almost 15 years ago

    I hope those are not meat sandwiches.


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    zev.farkas  almost 15 years ago

    Whatever they are, the lower strata are probably pretty ripe by now…

    Maybe this is how she stays so thin…

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  3. Kilo 1
    conean  almost 15 years ago

    Doin’ the Anorexia Rock!

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  4. Waterfall
    sockpuppet  almost 15 years ago


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  5. Horseshoes3
    McGehee  almost 15 years ago

    Yes, and so are all those old uneaten lunches in her locker.

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  6. New jaguar anim 200x200
    i_am_the_jam  almost 15 years ago

    Well, her mom IS a lousy cook…

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  7. Cownowhat2
    cownow2  almost 15 years ago

    It just shows how ungrateful Jeri is…

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    kittysquared Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    I am not liking the implication that Jeri doesn’t eat. Terrible message to put out there.

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    camelsamba2  almost 15 years ago

    Wow, if this were For Better or Worse or Stone Soup, all the commenters would be ragging on the mom for delivering the lunch, rather than teaching Jeri A Valuable Lesson About Responsibility (by not delivering it).

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    callak  almost 15 years ago

    omg, how is nobody noticing the smell that should be emanating from that locker?

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