Don’t knock it. We had a Jewish gal in elementary who resembled Stick quite a bit - intellectually, too. Skinny, braces, asthma, and a geek before the terms was invented. She graduated Summa bleeep Laude from Ohio State and went on to medical school where she became I believe a heart surgeon (vascular surgeon?) and she was a KNOCKOUT at 22. Looked like Eva Longoria did at 22. Now she’s 58 and STILL hot as Hades as a mom of four and a grandma of six (so far). Saw her at our last class reunion (40th).
We take English for granted. We know the correct pronunciation of words because we learned them that way, not from trying to sound them out. The sampling of words in this strip would play absolute havoc on someone not familiar with the language.
hawgowar almost 14 years ago
Don’t knock it. We had a Jewish gal in elementary who resembled Stick quite a bit - intellectually, too. Skinny, braces, asthma, and a geek before the terms was invented. She graduated Summa bleeep Laude from Ohio State and went on to medical school where she became I believe a heart surgeon (vascular surgeon?) and she was a KNOCKOUT at 22. Looked like Eva Longoria did at 22. Now she’s 58 and STILL hot as Hades as a mom of four and a grandma of six (so far). Saw her at our last class reunion (40th).
eiramde almost 14 years ago
It sounds like a movie :O
I had my movie moment too. I was quite invisible in high school. Not that invisible on the prom tho. Apparently, I got some admirers…
cownow2 almost 14 years ago
We take English for granted. We know the correct pronunciation of words because we learned them that way, not from trying to sound them out. The sampling of words in this strip would play absolute havoc on someone not familiar with the language.
TheDOCTOR almost 14 years ago
Did ‘Stick’ just call Tina a ”Cow”? Yeash I agree, I’d like to see ‘Stick” become ”SMOKIN’ HOT” when she gets Older, as will Tina, I think.
jppjr almost 14 years ago
Too bad the strip was discontinued before we found out…..gotta watch those red-heads though!!!