PreTeena by Allison Barrows for May 13, 2012

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    punslinger  almost 13 years ago

    I think jeri is trying to sabotage teena’s future love life!

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  2. Mark 3v.34 rev
    fdctlcmjc  almost 13 years ago

    This whole thing started when Teena couldn’t find the soap in the shower and used shampoo to wash her face. Now she can take her shower.

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  3. Gort
    CHAZ.SHIELDS  almost 13 years ago

    conservative Democrat is an oxymoron

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    saullevy  almost 13 years ago

    Bring back Teena with a purple face!

    She looked so CUTE!

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  5. 1.richard waiting
    yuggib  almost 13 years ago

    Hey! Night-Gaunt49! Got daughters? Trust me (I have 3, a step and 4 grands, the youngest of which is 3.) They are NEVER (at least in their minds) too young for all that girly-girl make-up stuff! I think it’s genetic, they get it off their mother’s side of the gene pool. Oh, well. What on earth would us poor men do without them? Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms reading this.

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    Mac61  almost 13 years ago

    Conservative democrat isn’t an oxymoron, they are however a dieing breed, once Zell Miller dies they’ll likely go extinct.

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    Mac61  almost 13 years ago

    One other thing Teena is more atrictive even without all the beauty products.

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  8. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Teena never should have listened to Jeri in the first place.

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