PreTeena by Allison Barrows for October 03, 2014

  1. Oakley penny x metal ruby i
    Zero-Gabriel  over 10 years ago


    Call a Cab, grab Stick and leave.

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  2. Missing large
    Observer fo Irony  over 10 years ago

    @Clark Pepto-Bismol it coats and soothes as it goes down and by Milk of Magnesia, you can trust MOM.

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  3. Grumpy bear by capsicum
    DDrazen  over 10 years ago

    At least “People’s Court” comes on at 4:00.

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  4. Missing large
    Mneedle  over 10 years ago

    Is “People’s Court” still around?

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  5. Smokey stover
    sjsczurek  over 10 years ago

    Once upon a time, the game and other shows had a unique and interesting order: The Dating Game, The Newlywed Game, The Baby Game, and Divorce Court..In that order. Exactly.

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