Pat Oliphant for August 13, 2008

  1. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 16 years ago

    Does Shmokeynov, the Bear mean Iraq or Iran?

    And on a side note, I work with a couple of guys from the Ukraine. Both of them are seriously scared that their country is next on Putin’s list.

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  2. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  almost 16 years ago

    A hypocrite never sees his image in a mirror.

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  3. Spiff icon
    hintzy  almost 16 years ago

    DHLEAKY, let’s skip over the rest of your comment and just go to the word ICBM. ICBM stands for Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. The name infers that this class of missile can fly great distances, say from one continent to another. In Cold War context, this means an ICBM could be launched from the US and travel to Russia, or vice versa. We’re talking serious distance here, thousands and thousands of miles. So why, as you claim, would the US place ICBMs next to Russia to shoot at other things next to Russia? If they were shooting ICBMs, they’d just do it from the US, no need to get up close. What the US is actually building is ground-to-air missiles which are intended to shoot down ICBMs being launched from countries next to Russia. That’s a very different thing, but still quite controversial. To my understanding, what Russia is worried about is that this defense system could be used to shoot down Russian missiles, even if the US promises that’s not what it’s for. Now I’m not going to give my opinion one way or the other on the whole thing, I just wanted to straighten up the facts a little.


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  4. Spiff icon
    hintzy  almost 16 years ago

    HUMPHRIES, I like that quote!

    And I completely forgot to address the comic! I really like GWB’s costume and the wagging finger, very clever!

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  5. Buddy
    lalas  almost 16 years ago

    What is happening in Georgia is for oil. The only reason W made such a ridiculous promise was because of oil. The only reason Putin invaded was for oil. If only Sudan had oil… people would care about that perpetual genocide.

    I also think the costume is awesome, as is the representation of W as a child.

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  6. Shark avatar2 web
    mackado  almost 16 years ago

    Oil puts butter on your family’s table….

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  7. Ak100
    Herbabee  almost 16 years ago

    ^ haha - and food on your family!

    (NOTE: my comment in response to mach-daddy’s “Oil puts butter IN your family’s table,” pre-edit. C’mon, where’s all that fun you promised?!)

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  8. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 16 years ago

    How does that prove your point, Stew?

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  9. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 16 years ago

    But how does that prove your point, Stew?

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  10. Ak100
    Herbabee  almost 16 years ago

    So, does this mean that Spewbo’s chronic usage of his favorite slag involving the fusion of a planetary satellite and a nocturnal flying mammal is the result of “thinking for oneself”?

    Pardon my dubiousness.

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  11. Shark avatar2 web
    mackado  almost 16 years ago

    Hey!! I’ve got a nick name, woopeee..!!!!

    Sorry for the delay, but like I said, it is a PITA to find and follow this comments with this forum’s least for me.

    Fun you want?

    Go to my Web in my profile here and check out the “Push to Flush” cartoon ..enjoy hahahahahaha

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  12. Missing large
    jkingo  almost 16 years ago

    We deposed a brutal, hostile dictator. Russia invades a sovereign democracy. Where’s the moral equivalence? Oliphant’s a comic genius, but politically, he’s “Simple Jack”.

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  13. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  almost 16 years ago

    Straight from W’s hand book of nifty answers.

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  14. Missing large
    dhleaky  almost 16 years ago

    Why oh why does it take so many, many words for the bushy, Mcbushie, republican neocons, ala stewzie, to say absolutely nothing?

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  15. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 16 years ago

    Stew…who do you think you’re kidding?

    You’re not here to debate, and you’re proving it with every post on this thread.

    When someone suggests that the war in Iraq is a war for oil, do you even TRY to argue them down? “Not true, and here is why you’re wrong…etc.”

    Nope, instead it’s, “Moonbat, moonbat, nyah, nyah, nyah!”

    That, and YOU were the first one to bring up the ‘war for oil’ bit in the first place. That is what is known as a straw-man argument.

    Grow up already, junior. You’re not fooling anyone but yourself here.

    Yeah yeah, I know…FAIL.

    You may think that’s a clever response, Stew…but to everyone else it looks more like an autobiograhical footnote.

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  16. Ak100
    Herbabee  almost 16 years ago

    So, Mach, against all better judgement … I clicked. And daaannng, you’re ‘toons are pretty f-in’ hilarious. And so full of “substance” too! Give that man a newspaper contract!!

    (hmm, and is that to imply that GOP meat-sh*t “dudn’t” stink?)

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  17. Shark avatar2 web
    mackado  almost 16 years ago

    Herbabee, I’m glad you liked them, and is all in good humor, some guys around here are to intense…..especially for a ‘toons board.

    Check later I’m finishing one you’d like even better on the “Swift Book” that just came out. ;-)

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