Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for July 23, 2000

  1. Jellyfish
    Me_Again  over 14 years ago

    I shall try…

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    raygun7139  over 12 years ago

    Yeah. I do. I believe in autonomy and critical thought. I am constantly amazed at the endless parade of cognizant/feeling zombies that suffle around me all day, quoting radio talk-show drivel as if there were actually some real truth or urgency behind all that sub-intelligent, paranoia-spewing, vocal gibberish. I attend a local university and I still hear this crap coming from supposedly educated and intelligent young minds getting all activist on campus, with not a clue as to what they’re getting activist about. Just sayin’…(just venting…)…

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    tarrangar  over 4 years ago
    Can’t help you Obviousman, I’m not American.
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