Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 19, 2007
Kate: Daddy... is it true firemen can spy on us nw? Joe: Yes, Kate, but I don't think it's anything to worry abo... Voice: Hello, Mr. Pyle... you've won a free safety inspection from the fire department! Oh... I see you read the New York Times... Joe: Yeah... so? Kate: It might be a D.G.M., Daddy. Joe: A what? Kate: D.G.M. ... discouraged with the government material. Don't tell them you Tivo Keith Olbermann or listen to Stephanie Miller on the radio. Joe: Why? What's wrong with... Voice: We've got a code 3 here... call for backup!
Ermine Notyours 2 months ago
This strip was mentioned this week on The Stephanie Miller Show. Miller? No relation that I know of.