Or the funeral of the stup with the backfiring muzzle which knocks him off his horse, which then stomps him to death while our hero looks on, after which the rules committee has lost so much cred with those who were paying them under the table that they disappear and our knight in interesting armour is appointed to high position.
In ancient times it was thought that God gives the victory to whoever He considers the best for his purposes, and so people would elect whoever won a battle because then God would be pleased.
Ah huh. (You sure think loud.)
CoronellaKeiper over 16 years ago
Or the funeral of the stup with the backfiring muzzle which knocks him off his horse, which then stomps him to death while our hero looks on, after which the rules committee has lost so much cred with those who were paying them under the table that they disappear and our knight in interesting armour is appointed to high position. In ancient times it was thought that God gives the victory to whoever He considers the best for his purposes, and so people would elect whoever won a battle because then God would be pleased. Ah huh. (You sure think loud.)