Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 03, 2008
Joe: Uh... what's this, Danae? Danae: Your lead story. It's an investigative report on the flock of ducks in our yard. Joe: I'm not going to say this on the air! Danae: Well, of course you don't say it, Daddy... you use the cable news standard of journalism by posing it as a question. Joe: "Have we been invaded by a bunch of jihadist ducks?" Danae: OK... now try it without the I've-sold-my-sold-for-ratings despair in your voice...
Net1360 over 16 years ago
A crying shame the radio station he worked for went to an all-polka format last year. Now he’s doing cable news. Was fun with me at first, now…ugh.
shippingtroll over 16 years ago
the old adage was, “if it bleeds it leads.” now the call is, “if it can scare the snot out of them, tease it until the end then misinform about it for 30 seconds!” not as poetic, but man does it keep the ratings up…
Digital Frog over 16 years ago
I think this newscast would be more along the lines of: “If it quacks, it lacks….” If I was him, I would have ducked out while her back was turned.
hcrobin85 over 16 years ago
does this strip remind anyone else of Fox News, MSNBC, and all of the other channles that say the same news over, and over again!
karover over 16 years ago
Help Save Non-Sequitur in my local paper -
robertolopez144 over 16 years ago
Genius!!! notice capital “G”
jazzleighe about 16 years ago
Hey, karover, I feel your pain! My local paper (only paper in town) dropped Non Sequitur awhile back, without even giving readers a chance to choose.
I suppose Wiley is too “intellectual” for folks today…a comic that requires thoughtfulness from the readers, how “elitist”… Gee, even the voters of America aren’t willing to put much thought into their choice for president. And maybe some folks are uncomfortable that Wiley’s strips sometimes skewer THEIR sacred cows.
Anyhoo, wish I had an idea of how to get this comic back in town. Sure miss my daily dose.