Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 19, 2008

  1. Joe minotaur
    Ranma_one_half  over 16 years ago

    Very much related to a discussion over on the Pibgorn comments forum.

    Wiley: I have been following this comic for years and I hope it goes on for many more.
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  2. Missing large
    robertolopez144  over 16 years ago

    “Princess Danae” might catch on ..

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  3. June smiles 018
    webcat411  over 16 years ago

    is this more than us readers need to know…but i like your courage…from a very old and long time reader that gets very emotional over your strip, but I am hooked for life…I am addicted to things that I dont always understand, but will keep on trying to “get It’…You make my mind stretch…Thanks…Gail Pool/webcat411

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  4. Alife
    alife  over 16 years ago

    One can communicate more than just words alone:D

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    null507  about 15 years ago

    It’s funny I am a writer, am currently working on a story that can be very depressing it’s about an immortal who rushes at things hoping it will kill him I’m not suicidal I haven’t had a bad childhood but if anyone were to read my book they would think just the opposite that I am just as Danae said “wallowing in boozy self pity”

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