Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 25, 2008

  1. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    ā€ And all through the house not a creature was stirring because of some louseā€.

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    wndrwrthg says:

    ā€ And all through the house not a creature was stirring because of some louseā€.

    A perfect, if sad, bit of poetry for the end of 2008.

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  3. Castle
    iowaweav  about 16 years ago

    Looks as if the boogy man trumps Santa this year.

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  4. Shrek front
    attyush  about 16 years ago

    Santa, quickā€¦get moving. There are other houses where kids are waiting.

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  5. Jw avitar
    jaydubya58  about 16 years ago

    Must be in California- all the houses are identical, same height, too close together and the trees havenā€™t been watered for a while (recent rain notwithstanding). Seasonal salutations to all and to all a divine ā€˜09.

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  6. Black190
    Horsehead1  about 16 years ago

    Head to Wall Street Santa-they are open for business but have they been naughty or nice?

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  7. Blonde fairy close
    cacolley7811  about 16 years ago

    wndrwrthg, very fitting.

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  8. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  about 16 years ago

    Ho, Ho, Ho! Merry Christmas! Oh baahh huummmbuug!

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  9. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 16 years ago

    Corporate greed has made the Grinch look rather angelic.

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  10. Bald eagle
    jimeguess  about 16 years ago

    Corporations, my toot! It is BIG GOVERNMENT who owns Fannie & Freddie that created this mess! All the foreclosures were caused by Fannie $ Freddie.

    Get the facts right ā€¦

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  11. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 16 years ago

    jimeguess says: ā€œCorporations, my toot! It is BIG GOVERNMENT who owns Fannie & Freddie that created this mess! All the foreclosures were caused by Fannie $ Freddie.

    Get the facts right ā€¦ā€

    Point well taken. But in case youā€™ve never noticed, politicians and big business are in bed together. We get screwed either way, dude.

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  12. Weasel
    RelaxDude  about 16 years ago

    Last I checked, We the People (at least technically, post USA Patriot Act, etc.) ARE the government. If we donā€™t demand accountability, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Also, to state that the FMs caused ALL foreclosures is hyperbole, at best.

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  13. Hpim1394lr
    cweirauch  about 16 years ago

    Plenty of corporate blame to go around, corporations including Fannie & Freddie that were de-regulated under a conservative held Senate, House, Whitehouse and Supreme Courtā€¦actually we are to blame for re-electing the same so and soā€™s again and againā€¦present election exceptedā€¦

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  14. Missing large
    William Powers  about 16 years ago

    Merry Christmas Comrade Wiley. Of course congress is working on making my wish illegal. I would also like to with a Merry Christmas to Comarde Barney Frank who started this sub-prime mess with Comrade Dodd and Comrade Waters. That would be Chris and Maxine to you. Maybe someday you will wake up and get this right. You need to draw santa sleigh on top of Congress with a sign out front saying bought and paid for. The best Government campaign contributions can buy. Using the term best lightly.

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  15. Danae
    Wiley creator about 16 years ago

    Fannie Mae is a stock-holder owned corporation.

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  16. Danae
    Wiley creator about 16 years ago

    Youā€™re welcome.

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  17. Forward woman
    Bender_Sastre  about 16 years ago

    Mr Wiley, this was in poor taste. To Everyone Else, Iā€™d join in your political debate, but itā€™s Christmas; good day to you.

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  18. Danae
    Wiley creator about 16 years ago

    How was it ā€œin bad tasteā€?

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  19. Missing large
    Furbitor  about 16 years ago

    Wiley, you hit the mark very accurately. I had to sign up to make this comment but I couldnā€™t resist just so I can apologize for Lamerandomnameā€™s recent posts. Please overlook his dripping sarcasm. A am sure as he is republican he (and his side) has taken a terrible beating these last few years.. and trying to shift the weight of countless families homeless has nothing to do with those who gamble moneyā€¦ er, sorry.. INVEST in housing to politics is just sadā€¦.

    and no. the comic isnt offensive. Thousands of homeless families are.

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  20. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 16 years ago

    Nice try, LameRandomName.

    The housing meltdown was NOT caused by people buying houses they couldnā€™t afford.

    It was caused by LENDERS LOANING MONEY to people that couldnā€™t afford to buy the house.

    As for Democrats being to blame, you might want to be careful where you lay blame. Dodd and Waters DID fight tooth and nail to not regulate Fannie and Freddieā€¦ but not in the way you wanted them to.

    They fought tooth and nail to ensure that those industries were not regulated by PRIVATE CORPORATIONS not answerable to the government.

    I find it hilarious when conservatives blame Democrats for being against regulation when that is one of their main party platforms.

    And, finally, to the person who thought the comic was in bad taste, remember this:

    What the comic is saying is a million times more distasteful than someone posting a comic about itā€¦

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  21. Missing large
    boyhowdy  about 16 years ago

    Plenty of blame to go around, though I do feel the majority of it lies with frank, dodd, et alā€¦..there were lenders with no morals, but anyone who signs a mortgage document without understanding the terms is a moron.

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  22. Missing large
    zev.farkas  about 16 years ago

    Sorry to intrude on the political discussion, but could someone please tell me what the fourth sign says? Looks like the newspapers arenā€™t the only ones that scrimp on comic sizeā€¦


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