Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 29, 2008

  1. Missing large
    rjvjelly  about 16 years ago

    why does this look like tricky dick, but sound like dubya??? oh, yeah, they are both liars

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  2. Mannytherat
    KingRat  about 16 years ago

    and how does that make them different from every other politician ever?

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  3. Wargob
    gbrucewilson  about 16 years ago

    What does this say about the accuracy of the previous 11 months of government reports that said we were not in a recession yet? And we are going to depend on the government to solve the problem (that they created). Crazy!

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  4. Mannytherat
    KingRat  about 16 years ago

    it says that almost every definition of recession does not call it a recession until it is almost over.

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  5. Blue hair
    Jackone  about 16 years ago

    That’s what I like, a positive outlook on life. ha ha

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  6. 43341
    foxglove16  about 16 years ago

    Ha! I love it! Being a non christian and liberal on social issues means I have poor values. But perjury, abuse of power, war crimes, commission of felonies, destruction rather than upholding the constitution- those things don’t matter as long as we don’t have stem cell research and equal civil rights for gay people and the gradual erosion of all forms of reproductive freedom.

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  7. Rocky bw 2 090507
    BirishB  about 16 years ago

    plus4 – How sad that you buy into the same mentality this very strip decries:

    That rather than talk about the issue at hand, you rebut with an ad hominem attack.

    Talk about changing the subject …

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  8. Danae
    Wiley creator about 16 years ago

    “recognize gay “marriage” as not being an “equal civil right”…”

    Oh. So being Gay means abdicating your Constitutional rights? Good to know. Thanks for the update.

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  9. Cigarette
    Iphelia  about 16 years ago

    I don’t condone homersexuality, but one time when I was in Acapulco and I had too much much tequila I mistakenly became intimate with a stripper named Lula Jane for the whole week. I’ll not forget her.

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  10. Drinkycrowavatar
    Ham_Gravy  about 16 years ago

    Interseting question - is the word “Marriage” a constitutional right? It’s pretty easy to place the Civil Union on the list of constitutional rights, but does the “Marriage” word go along for the ride?

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  11. Danae
    Wiley creator about 16 years ago

    “but does the “Marriage” word go along for the ride?”

    Yes. It’s called equal protection.

    “It is the first time any government stated we are in one with out two quarters of Negative growth.”

    Jack75287: Which part of “…government report that stated we have been in a recession for a year now” didn’t you understand?

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  12. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  about 16 years ago

    Yo! That strip of Non Sequitur talked about a recession. Not talk about gay marriage and others issues. We are not in a recession for a year. Since it was fall apart at the Wall Street last August; therefore, it took only about four or five months not a year for recession! That did not make any sense!

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  13. Tubbsbottl lll
    gigabyte03  about 16 years ago

    doctortoon… well spoken. You’ve my vote!

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  14. Drinkycrowavatar
    Ham_Gravy  about 16 years ago

    One could argue that the Civil Union defines the legal protections required by the Constitution, and that the word “Marriage” is not relevant.

    It’s almost got the feel of circular logic to it. Deny the word “Marriage” because of disapproval of same-sex unions, but the reality of those unions is that they are the same thing as heterosexual marriages, and denying the word “Marriage” is a meaningless victory of small-mindedness.

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  15. Danae
    Wiley creator about 16 years ago

    “Since it was fall apart at the Wall Street last August; therefore, it took only about four or five months not a year for recession! ”

    No. Again, which part of “government report” didn’t you understand? Do you pay any attention to the news? This was widely reported on December 1st. The country fell into recession in December of 2007.

    Here, let me help you:

    Oh, and by the way, when the government finally gets around to admitting we’re in a recession after a years of denying it, that means we’re in a depression.

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  16. Cigarette
    Iphelia  about 16 years ago

    I’d be in a depression if they ever canceled Dancing with the Stars.

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  17. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  about 16 years ago

    Wiley says: “Since it was fall apart at the Wall Street last August; therefore, it took only about four or five months not a year for recession! ” No. Again, which part of “government report” didn’t you understand? Do you pay any attention to the news? This was widely reported on December 1st. The country fell into recession in December of 2007. Here, let me help you: Oh, and by the way, when the government finally gets around to admitting we’re in a recession after a years of denying it, that means we’re in a depression.

    Wiley, I got it clearly and understood fully! Thanks for the link about the recession since Dec 2007.

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  18. Missing large
    Paudil  about 16 years ago

    “but does the “Marriage” word go along for the ride?” Yes. It’s called equal protection.

    So how about polygamists and furries? Certainly any two (or more) individuals should be allowed to enter into a legal contract with the same terms as marriage, but marriage itself should be a strictly religious institution, not bound or recognized by government.

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  19. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 16 years ago

    Paudil says: “So how about polygamists and furries? Certainly any two (or more) individuals should be allowed to enter into a legal contract with the same terms as marriage, but marriage itself should be a strictly religious institution, not bound or recognized by government.”

    O RLY?

    Firstly, polygamous legal marriages are not allowed among heterosexual couples. Therefore, polygamy is irrelevant to the issue of gay marriage.

    Secondly, furries? Really? If you’re trying to go after the bestialists (which are vastly different from furries, I might add), remember this: A dog cannot consent to a legal contract. Therefore, bestiality is irrelevant to the issue of gay marriage.

    Finally, to say that government isn’t (or shouldn’t be) involved in marriage is laughable. There are literally thousands of laws by local, state, and federal governments that talk on the issue of marriage, including, but certainly not limited to: Taxes, health care, adoption and child custody.

    What I can’t figure out is how, exactly, Adam and Steve affects Adam and Eve. Why can’t we have “religious marriage” and “legal marriage” as two separate entities? “Legal marriage” is what is talked about in the various laws and “religious marriage” is what is talked about in the various churches. Want a religious marriage in a church? Fine, but you still have to get a legal marriage from the government to be legally married. That’s how it is now.

    You don’t have to go to church to get married and you CERTAINLY don’t need to go to a church to “dissolve” the marriage…

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  20. Missing large
    librarianjim  about 16 years ago

    Actually, the Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research is the body that officially determines when a recession starts, and this body also determines the criteria by which the determination is made. A lot of the confusion surrounding the recent determination that we’ve been in a recession since late in 1997 is due to the fact that this group changed the way they define the start of a recession. Under the old definition, a recession was defined as two consecutive quarters of negative growth in GDP, whereas under the new rule a recession starts when GDP growth peaks. There is a FAQ sheet on the NBER site ( about this change in which they state that under the 2 consecutive quarter rule they could not yet call this a recession. Interestingly, one of the 8 members of the committee that made the decision to change the way the start of recessions is determined then resigned to join the incoming administration as chair of the council of economic advisors.

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