Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 05, 2009

  1. Minotaurfanart
    Joe_Minotaur  about 16 years ago

    A man walks in to see his stockbroker. Client: I’d like to buy GM. Broker: Okay. How many shares would you like? Client: No. I’d like to buy GM.

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    jeremy0203  about 16 years ago

    8 years ago when Bush became president, my then teenage children asked me what I thought it would mean. I told them that it would be a disaster for the middle class and working poor and that he was in there for one reason only; to make the rich richer. Somehow the Republicans convinced enough people (with the help of Ralph Nader) that their interests were represented by a person who was transparently pro big business and big oil, who had no compassion for the working person, who was born with silver spoon in his mouth and was had shown complete incompetence his whole life. Hopefully in the future a lesson will have been learned by the working people of this country. The Republicans certainly seemed to learn their lessons: you don’t have to fool all the people all the time, just 50.1% on election day and call it a mandate, then intimidate and bully the media and opposition party with name calling and you can rule. What that has resulted in is pretty obvious to all but about 27% of the populace (his final approval rating).

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  3. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 16 years ago

    Perfectly poignant comic. Day is coming when you can buy a stretch limo for a can of tuna.

    “The meek shall inherit the earth” indeed.

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    Tom  about 16 years ago

    Well, Wiley finally got one right, although he probably didn’t intend it. This is what Socialism does. It won’t help the poor, it just impoverishes the rich (except the politicians). You asked for it, America.

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    FaceToTheStorm  about 16 years ago

    Envy is much more destructive than greed. The commentors who hate and envy the achievers also support policies that penalize construction etc. Before you know it trailer parks are full of America’s richest people.

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    LeonardWatson  about 16 years ago

    Jeremy, Keep sipping on that Kool-aid and everything will be just fine…

    Now for the rest of you if you think this mess was caused by Bush Jr. and the Republicans then you have little or no understanding of economics or our government. What we are experiencing today is a direct result of the Clinton administration and having a liberal spend-thrift congress.

    Economics and economic policy does not respond as quickly as you all seem to think they do. It takes years, even decades for the results of economic policies to be seen or felt. Hence the financial prosperity we enjoyed during the Clinton era was a direct result of the Regan/Bush Sr. administrations. Today we are feeling the effects of Clinton.

    I am no fan of Bush Jr. never have been, never will be but to place the responsibility for our current mess solely on him is not only untrue it is unfair.

    Finally to all you Obamanites, it seems that your messiah has already betrayed you. He has begun to show his true colors and has put the US on a course to financial ruin. He has done this purposely so that he and his puppet master, George Soros, can swoop in with giant government and socialist programs to “Save” us all from ourselves. Soon you will have no freedoms left and we will all belong to the United Nations and a one world government run by Emperor Soros and his lackey President Obama.

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    jackoscar  about 16 years ago

    This brilliant cartoon and the following comments perfectly demonstrate that most Yanks cannot and will not ever understand irony. Peace out and laugh once in a while.

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  8. Just checkin
    Northwoodser  about 16 years ago

    A good cartoon-never mind the comments.

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  9. Tmlis icon60 1
    hookedoncomics  about 16 years ago

    Love the comic.

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    tribunusi  about 16 years ago

    Think outside the trailer you guys!

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  11. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 16 years ago

    The Left despises the rich so much that they’d be satisfied to see everyone impoverished (except, of course, for their Hollywood and Capitol Hill buddies).

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  12. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  about 16 years ago

    Is that Pauley sitting on the trailer?

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    Republican67  about 16 years ago

    LeonardWatson has it partially right.But all of us are to blame not just Clinton or Bush JR.

    This mess was caused by Republicans and Democrats since the Reagan years with all the deregulation of the financial markets. By allowing insurance companies and others to dable in markets they had no business sense putting their noses in.

    We as Americans are also partially to blame, by being duped by these S.O.B.s in believing they had our best interests at heart.

    Now we need to pay the piper, and go through some hard times.

    My hope is that we will learn from this. But we will not.

    Our forefathers went through the same issues during the Great Depression with the financial markets doing things without ethics or morals.

    Here we are not 70 years later.

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  14. Hawaii5 0girl
    treered  about 16 years ago

    the only people who liked trickle down were the people that were doing the trickleing… score another one for Wiley!

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  15. Bear1
    Storyteller  about 16 years ago

    jackoscar says: “This brilliant cartoon and the following comments perfectly demonstrate that most Yanks cannot and will not ever understand irony. Peace out and laugh once in a while.”

    I’m with you, cousin. The poly-tics are coming out on both sides over a simple little cartoon. Get a life, ya hacks!

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    SemperRick  about 16 years ago

    I’ll Forget about this site in a day….LOL!!!

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    SemperRick  about 16 years ago

    I’ll Forget about this site in a day….LOL!!!

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    SemperRick  about 16 years ago

    I’ll Forget about this site in a day….LOL!!!

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    terrencestamp90346  about 16 years ago

    How about a moment just to celebrate the beautiful art and subtle, yet perfect, color of this strip?

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  20. Web all wander blue png  12042008
    thatwhichisgood  about 16 years ago

    I’m living it! Sold everything a year plus ago, got out of the market last year and am learning to live frugally since the economic train wreck. Not what we planned but still finding a silver lining most days. I even blog it at

    May good luck find us all!

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