Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 25, 2009
Homer: The Mi'k Maq tribe elder told me I could find myself by following the path of the deer... Dog: Sigh. Homer: Ah, and I see you did... literally... Homer: Yes... I followed the deer for days, watching it and pondering the words of the elder over and over until I was too tired to think anymore... and that's when I finally got it. The deer didn't dwell on the past or worry about the future, it just lived in the contentment of the moment. I stayed out there for weeks and came to realize that the past is gone and the future doesn't exist. All we ever have is what's in front of us now... and that it's always now! Angel: Ah, finally, Homer... your dawn of enlightenment! Homer: But this journey also taught me that the present isn't always pleasant... Homer - the Reluctant Soul
wndrwrthg over 15 years ago
“Message for you, sir”.
Edcole1961 over 15 years ago
Concorde! Concorde! Speak to me!
JP Steve Premium Member over 15 years ago
Okay, now I’m confused again. Is Homer the arrower or the arrowee?
keenanthelibrarian over 15 years ago
All we ever have is the eternal present. Noone really knows what went on in the past (it’s just memory) and noone can know the future.
cdward over 15 years ago
Steve Homer is the observer who has apparently stumbled upon an unpleasant scene.
All we have is the NOW, but the past does contribute to who we are, and who we are shapes our future.
wicky over 15 years ago
Yeah, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
dewrite1 over 15 years ago
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present
steverinoCT over 15 years ago
I remember a birthday card from Hallmark’s Shoebox (paraphrasing): “The past is behind us. It doesn’t matter any more. And the future? It lies ahead, a vast potential. As for the present…” [open card] “I didn’t get you any.”
dtut over 15 years ago
As always, Wiley provides food for thought. My wife dwells excessively on the past and worries excessively about the future. But don’t believe it’s any better to ignore the past and the future.
If you do not learn from the past and plan for the future, your next “now” is likely to be unpleasant.
Kosher71 over 15 years ago
♫ We’re trapped , in a world , before later on ♪
vilarif over 15 years ago
DTUT is right no one seems to remember the past because it seems that we are about to do it all again in the near future
davesmithsit over 15 years ago
life is and then its not.
palos over 15 years ago
Perhaps the deer was hiding the bow and arrow, and is now just hiding the bow!
kayakkate Premium Member over 15 years ago
how wonderfully buddhist.
breathing in, i calm my body. breathing out, i smile. dwelling in the present moment i know it is a wonderful moment.
JanLC over 15 years ago
Neither, Steve. He’s the guy with the spear. I would like to know, however, how a good looking, tall, red-headed hunter could turn into a short lump like Homer.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
I only wish that I could follow this advice as I tend to be a person that frets and worries and even having known this advice before reading the strip I have not embraced the concept…and that worries me.
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
Some things never change….’cept for the choice of weapons.
Ushindi over 15 years ago
JanCinVV…The same way I did - just kept living and the years piled up as they are wont to do….lol
JAD.. You missed your nap again, didn’t you?
reynard61 over 15 years ago
Joe Allen Doty said: “Do large-sized rugged and ruddy guys with red hair turn into ghostly-looking Cupid-like souls when they die?”
Seeing as how, a few years ago, Homer came back as a girl (The “Honor” arc of a few years ago), I’d say “Yes.”
Trebor39 over 15 years ago
Heavy duty strip today Wiley. What’s coming next?
yyyguy over 15 years ago
another strip, no doubt!
pbarnrob over 15 years ago
OH; look around carefully; arrows tend to come in quivers-full.
else; bodies are always the genetic luck-of-the-draw; the billions of combinations of DNA make fingerprints the least of our “matrix of individual differences” in whatever comes out of Mom. Who’s in there? That is the interesting part; God playing at masks, jumping out to say “BOO!”
stephen.baker over 15 years ago
Where ever you go, there you are.
bmonk over 15 years ago
From Herbert’s God Emperor of Dune: He is discovering that it is pointless to live in the past, impossible to live in the future, and difficult to live in the present…”
vasgar1 over 15 years ago
Aagh, I have to wait another week to find out what happens! How will it all end?
DoctorWhoJew over 15 years ago
I myself wonder how many years has pased. what happend back in europe with lady anne?