The stuffing of the ballot box is a grand old American tradition. The Bush family did it. The Kennedy family did it. Lyndon Johnson was a master of it.
You would have thought that somewhere along the lines we would have taught Hamid Karzai how to do it properly, including covering his tracks.
Basqueian over 15 years ago
.6 ?
randayn over 15 years ago
Mea Culpa.
I see now that the earlier strips were necessary for this funny payoff. Well done, sir.
Keep up the great work.
zero over 15 years ago
Now there’s a losing hand—2 Jack**fs & a Queen…
Hugh B. Hayve over 15 years ago
They should be thankful Vladimir Putin wasn’t involved.
kimberphi over 15 years ago
love the ” .6 ” vote~
missqueenie over 15 years ago
@Hugh Funny. Putin. He wouldn’t even have a count.
Pab Sungenis creator over 15 years ago
The stuffing of the ballot box is a grand old American tradition. The Bush family did it. The Kennedy family did it. Lyndon Johnson was a master of it.
You would have thought that somewhere along the lines we would have taught Hamid Karzai how to do it properly, including covering his tracks.
Pab Sungenis creator over 15 years ago
Oh, and I didn’t realize this had run yesterday until early today, but here is the interview I did with Fandomania:
k_sera over 15 years ago
Actually, I think George would be more likely to say something like, “Way to go, Hammy.”
ironflange over 15 years ago
How many votes did Ahmadinejad get?