ViewsMidEast by Cartoon Movement-US for October 18, 2009

  1. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 14 years ago

    Each side cherry-picking what they like & dislike in the Richard Goldstone Report since it criticises all parties? (that’s Abbas in the ‘toon).

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  2. Pales
    Palestino  over 14 years ago

    Now it is official:


    Why don’t you talk about that Mr. Kishka ?

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  3. Waybackmachine3
    Wabac  over 14 years ago


    Your nom de plume tells us precisely what is your agenda. You clearly have no interest in anything except whatever you can stir up to harm Israel’s name and reputation. The fact is your heroes (ham-ass) are the true war criminals.

    Shelling civilians in southern Israel is a war crime. Hiding among Gazan women and children is a war crime. Using them as human shields makes their deaths the responsibility of the cowards that hide in their midst, not the army responding to criminal shelling of their (Israel’s) civilians.

    Go crawl back under your rock.

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  4. Pales
    Palestino  over 14 years ago

    Israel had no “reputation” and it ‘ll never have.Starting from “deir yasseen massacres “in 1948 ,through “Sabra and Shatela massacres” in 1986 and other massacres ,now the whole world knows about Goldstone Report.which was writen by a jewish judge from South Africa who prosecuted the apartheid regime and Rwand’s massacres . My agenda is presenting facts and my hero is Richard Goldstone.

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  5. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 14 years ago

    Wabac: If you read Richard Goldstone’s report you will find that it does indeed name and shame Israel and Hamas as having committed war-crimes. If you feel Richard Goldstone also has a “stated agenda”, read up on his background.

    Palestino’s nom de plume is simply stating who he is. It does not hide him at all, unlike mine for instance. His name does not “state an agenda”. He defends the Palestinian position as he has the right to do. Actually, I have found Palestino’s comments and replies more educational, illuminating and rational regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (<-intended euphemism) than many other posters here, including myself, who have no vested interest in the region. If there is anger in his replies, understand it. His viewpoint is rarely heard. It is an insider view! Doesn’t that bring more to the debate? I think most people on this forum skirt the whole issue altogether, afraid of being labelled anti-one or the other. How about really trying to understand why this conflict continues to defy peace?

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  6. Waybackmachine3
    Wabac  over 14 years ago

    Pal, calling an incident a massacre does not make it one. Inflating the number of casualties to justify describing something as a massacre does not make it one. Your citations have been refuted by so many reputable sources as to make your arguments beneath contempt.

    omQ R, Goldstone was tasked with a deeply flawed mandate that contained an agenda. His report had to condemn Israel or he would have been accused of siding with them. The best he could do under the circumstances was to cite both sides - without including the VERY relevant analysis of how Ham-ass has consistently been the true aggressor. Can you honestly say the incursion would have happened if rockets and mortars had not rained down upon (primarily southern) Israel for years? How long does a sovereign nation have to take that punishment before it has a legitimate right to defend itself and its people? For any nation other than Israel, the answer is the first assault is enough. For Israel, on the other hand, you, Pal, and most of the world would have the limit be infinity. Don’t claim to be seeking justice when you support such a blatantly false and illegal standard.

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  7. Missing large
    comYics  over 14 years ago

    God said that the land will prosper where the people fear God.

    Look at the Middle East, sand desolate. Israel stoomped by the heathans(reprobates, arrogant, destructive). Lands will prosper without the Godless Islamists.

    Every president since Harry S. Truman has utilized a National Day of Prayer, until Barack Obama, who opted out. He did manage to celebrate Ramadan and bow to mecca in the white house. There is no doubt, that Barack Obama is a muslim worshipper.

    If you truely want to understand how come the USA is in a depressed mood throughout america, a vexed people with many problems that arent getting solved, and wont until a God fearing President is elected, you now understand that it is because of that, Barack Obama worships mohammed, a murderer, liar, thief, that only intends to kill steal and destroy as practiced in their ungodly book called the koran.

    Egypt was once a Christian country. It only took 4000 muslims to convert new Egyptians and become the promonent religion in Egypt. Protestant and Catholic, and Baptist are all considered one religion, Christianity, followers of Christ. There is no need for divisions among Christians. Traditions are the only thing that sets these titles apart. Muslims have announced jihad against America. Jihad is a spiritual warfare used by islamists to try and take over nations and subject nations to submit to islamic ways. Words, little attention getters here and there with bombings, killings, ways to get peoples attention, to cause people to fear. Mohammad taught his followers to harm others, to lie, to enforce his ways upon people that dont agree with him in order to take over power of them. It is an anti peace, anti love, anti American, anti Christ way of thinking, the koran.

    Here is a site from a believer in God that is very interesting. If you go through the subjects on the right column of this site you will notice the topics that are discussed, and hopefully, as I have, enjoy his enthusiasm and conviction. May God bless.

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