Maintaining by Nate Creekmore for August 31, 2011

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    flanders22  over 13 years ago

    This comic is anoying. Why can’t the artist have stories of teenage situations. Is normal teenaged kids all that hung up on social issues? They are more interested in getting high or picking up girls. Be real.

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  2. 1tau lljsaaef kfpea5vpgadia  .medium
    Michelle Morris  over 13 years ago

    Well,seeing that kids are involved in society,and that social issues will concern them for the rest of their lives,this is a true portrayal of kids’ concerns today in addition to hooking up.

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    swingvoter88  over 13 years ago

    Self-identity is one of the biggest “teenage situations” around. Lack of identity and/or self worth is a primary reason for substance abuse, suicide, and other problems teens face. Perhaps more teens today should be concerned about social issues rather than what Snooki is up to.

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