ViewsMidEast by Cartoon Movement-US for October 27, 2009

  1. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 14 years ago

    Maliki doesn’t look too comfortable as host. Playing good neighbours? We want those Kurds to stay in Iraq, not split up to wanna form a united Kurdistan with the Kurds in Turkey, no, no, no. So many fingers in the Iraqi pie, US, Iranian, Turkish.mmmm, tasty.

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  2. Images
    JerryGorton  over 14 years ago

    Scott, I think you are right!!

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Most of the middle east is an artificial creation. They may have been better off under the Ottoman Empire.

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  4. Pales
    Palestino  over 14 years ago

    The only artificial creation in the middle east is Israel.. Iraq has a civilization of 6,000 years. They date back more than the Persian empire. Please, go study history before you open your mouths

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  5. Pales
    Palestino  over 14 years ago

    Then tell me scot,

    Where did Abraham originally come from????

    You still make a joke of yourself !

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Scott doesn’t recognize that Canaan existed, or any of the other civilizations that pre-dated “his guys”.

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    Unlike Scott, I’m not sure that the “Israeli”s have a holy mandate to the land they were once given by God. A covenant requires a two-way agreement and Old Testamnet Israel continued to fail it’s part of the covenant

    However, if we are talking about Palestinians; from what I have read; they gave up the land with the agreement that Egypt and/or Arab interests would win it back in battle for them. This would suggest to me that the “palestinian” people were “homeless” long before indigenous Jews came up with a plan to consolidate with foreign Jews to implace a Jewish homeland in Jerusalem. The Jews chose legal and ambassadorial methods and what “palestinians” that wewre there at the time chose the xenophobic-muslim route. Furthermore, this way of looking at the problem does not give Israel the option of looking for a unilateral solution either. It does put a bigger burden on the surrounding arab states to take ownership in their part in the problem of Palestinian self-representation/homeland territory . We in the west have a duty to defend the cause of Israel if she continues to make the best of a bad situation.

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  8. Pales
    Palestino  over 14 years ago

    Not correct ,again

    The Palestinians didn’t had an agreement with Egypt or jordan to” win” the battle because these countries were still under British control.

    What happened in1948 was what’s now called “Etnic clenzing”..

    I don’t think that the west has any moral values if it supports the last pocket of imperializm in the world.

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  9. Missing large
    comYics  over 14 years ago

    That is the problem addressed. Seperated groups saying its mine, its mine. We are all people and the, its mine part, belongs to God.

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  10. New bitmap image
    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    I apologize if I approach this too simplistically, or do not get the facts all straight… It seems to me that before Israel attempted to claim itself as a nation, Palestinians were hardly the group in power at the time and probably owed their fealty to the toughest arab-Muslim nation in the neighborhood. After a U.N. agreement was proposed for a Palestinian and Israeli Homeland the Palestinians refused. As I stated before, the Palestinians opted to pursue their national rights through their Muslim hegemonies and spurned the Western method. Then they were offered temporary asylum by some group or governments, but I forget exactly whom,which were residing in the various states in the region. So you now have a group of dispossessed refugees sitting in refugee camps on foreign lands -deprived of equality with the “natives” and exploited for political gain against the new Israeli State. Meanwhile, palestinians (who are on the surface peaceful) have managed to improve their lot in the state of Israel by adhering to the Western values upheld by Israel. Did not the Jews that were presiding in lawless “palestine” have rights? Did they not have the freedom to organize and protect their “national” interests as well?

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  11. Pales
    Palestino  over 14 years ago


    you are mistaken again.. 1- Although Palestine was part of the Otoman empire for 400 years ,(as well as many other nations like Greece, Romania, Bulgaria,Yogoslavia,Hungary,Armenia , Egypt,Lebanon and other nations)that didn’t mean that we didn’t have our identity as a nation, for example the Otomans spoke Turkish language but we didn’t change our language,We still speak our Palestinian Arabic language.

    2- The Palestinians refused the UN resolution because it gave the minority of 20 % foreign jews more than 70% of the land including major Palestinian cities the coast and all the agricultural lands.

    3- There where no “temporary asylum offer” or any such thing,the truth is that Palestinians where forced to leave their homes because of massacars like”deir yasseen”and “Safforya “massacers the ones who stayed where either killed or put on lorries as in the cities of Lod and Ramleh (I can provide pictures of israelies forcing people to leave their homes if you want)

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  12. Pales
    Palestino  over 14 years ago

    4 -The Palestinians didn’t integrate with people in the countries around Palestine and they will never do, because they are simply different in terms of culture , dialect ,hapits,religion. They also love their homeland more than anything else.

    5-The countries around Palestine adherto western values (or at least try to),there isn’t one of them that adhere to Islamic values.

    6- Palestinians in Israel are discriminated against by laws terms of political ,economical ,cultural and religious rights for example :they can’t own land or live wherever they want, most of their villages are not recognized ,with no electrisity or water or you want more?

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  13. Pales
    Palestino  over 14 years ago

    Two wrongs don’t make a right ..

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  14. Missing large
    comYics  over 14 years ago

    God said that the land will prosper where the people fear God.

    Look at the Middle East, sand desolate. Israel stoomped by the heathans(reprobates, arrogant, destructive). Lands will prosper without the Godless Islamists.

    Every president since Harry S. Truman has utilized a National Day of Prayer, until Barack Obama, who opted out. He did manage to celebrate Ramadan and bow to mecca in the white house. There is no doubt, that Barack Obama is a muslim worshipper.

    If you truely want to understand how come the USA is in a depressed mood throughout america, a vexed people with many problems that arent getting solved, and wont until a God fearing President is elected, you now understand that it is because of that, Barack Obama worships mohammed, a murderer, liar, thief, that only intends to kill steal and destroy as practiced in their ungodly book called the koran.

    Egypt was once a Christian country. It only took 4000 muslims to convert new Egyptians and become the promonent religion in Egypt. Protestant and Catholic, and Baptist are all considered one religion, Christianity, followers of Christ. There is no need for divisions among Christians. Traditions are the only thing that sets these titles apart. Muslims have announced jihad against America. Jihad is a spiritual warfare used by islamists to try and take over nations and subject nations to submit to islamic ways. Words, little attention getters here and there with bombings, killings, ways to get peoples attention, to cause people to fear. Mohammad taught his followers to harm others, to lie, to enforce his ways upon people that dont agree with him in order to take over power of them. It is an anti peace, anti love, anti American, anti Christ way of thinking, the koran.

    Here is a site from a believer in God that is very interesting. If you go through the subjects on the right column of this site you will notice the topics that are discussed, and hopefully, as I have, enjoy his enthusiasm and conviction. May God bless.

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