Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for September 24, 2009

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    Llewellenbruce  over 15 years ago

    Their insurance company must of been Mutual of Shaft.

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    EarlWash  over 15 years ago

    More like Mutual of Congress.

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    Ronshua  over 15 years ago

    Momma !

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  4. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  over 15 years ago

    Sounds like Republican Mutual.

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    yyyguy  over 15 years ago

    here we go again.

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    Bargrove  over 15 years ago

    That’s life

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  7. Hyacinth macaw
    sjoujke  over 15 years ago

    Too bad he couldn’t wait for the universal health insurance option
.oh yeah, they haven’t decided on which one they want yet. Guess waiting wasn’t an option afterall.

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  8. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 15 years ago

    Too bad he couldn’t pay his own doctor bill.

    What a novel idea, self-support.

    Wonder why our founding fathers didn’t think of it.

    Oh yeah, they did. The Constitution tried to keep power out of the federal hands.

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    Shannon D. Orr Premium Member over 15 years ago

    How much money do you have lying around?? Quick googling showed heart by-pass surgery could cost an average of $20,000 USD. Sixty percent of bankruptcies in the US are due to medical bills. Perhaps a change could be a good thing.

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  10. New portrait 2009
    Anysia  over 15 years ago

    I think the constitution does include keeping the citizens healthy. “To promote the general welfare”. A healthy population is better for the country.

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  11. Keithmoon
    Wildcard24365  over 15 years ago

    Conservatives for Patient’s Rights reminds you that you have the right to pay outrageous premiums for a life time, and to be cancelled when you actually need coverage. Now, get out and fight those who DENY YOUR RIGHT TO BE DENIED!

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    crazyolnick  over 15 years ago


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  13. Horseshoes3
    McGehee  over 15 years ago

    Enumerated powers trump the preamble, and there’s nothing in the enumerated powers about “keeping people healthy.”

    No government health care: let the constitutional illiterates die off.

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  14. Real government
    CogentModality  over 15 years ago

    Another quick google search will show you that heart by-pass surgery is unnecessary most of the time.

    By the way, try Startpage. It’s not as invasive as google.

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  15. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 15 years ago

    There’s always a catch!!

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  16. Creek
    mjtempke  over 15 years ago

    I guess he got bored to death waiting for the Insurance Company of Dewey, Cheatum, & Howe!!

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    desturbedlio  over 15 years ago

    That ‘s sure where we are going

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    KenyarJad  over 15 years ago

    Technically speaking, the only guaranteed outcome of life is death, so being alive means that you’ve got one foot in the grave all the time. Ah well.

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    EarlWash  over 15 years ago

    There you guys go again blaiming everyone else.

    A good 80 % (not 100%) of the people are totally irresponsible to themselves by practicing being fools
fools by boozing, gluteny, drug addiction, driving “impaired”, and the list goes on. Then this same group of total jerks blame others for their downfall and want everyone else to step in to take care of them financially because of their addictive screwups.

    What a bunch of selfish hogs.

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    alvinsteingold  over 15 years ago

    Sure are a lot of right wing ideologues writing comments. Without getting personal, what the hell is wrong with you self-centered people. I suggest that you all read TR Reid’s article in last weeks Newsweek. This is not about health-care or any particular policy. It is about whether or not we, as a nation, care about each other. Apparently we are the only industrialized nation that doesn’t appear to really give a sh** about each other.

    I think the cartoon is brilliant and right on.

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  21. Winter
    Imajs Premium Member over 15 years ago

    There is nothing the government does, that it does well. Infrastructure is crumbling, Medicare and Medicaid has been underfunded since its inception, billions of dollars on education but more students are functionally illiterate. Argh! Universal healthcare won’t solve any problems but create a whole bunch more.

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    pbrown280c  over 15 years ago

    what we need to change to is back to the way it used to be when everyone paid for their own care. heart surgery would cost 2000 instead of 20,000.

    Not that I expect any lefties to be confused by the facts

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  23. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 15 years ago

    ANYSIA General Welfare is the same excuse Roosevelt used to inflate the Supreme Court to push through an unconstitutional Ponzi scheme called Social Security.

    Our constitution is mostly about keeping power out of the hands of federal government. We lose our freedom when we allow centralized bureaucrats tell us what to do.

    You seem to think Jesus answered Am I my brothers keeper? He was silent.

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    Magnaut  over 15 years ago


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    Leonardeuler  over 15 years ago

    Mxyxptlk said:

.It’s just an excuse for the State to increase it’s power over the people. Very true indeed. Moreover, this happens all over the world.

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  26. 64449 wallpaper400
    Ronshua  over 15 years ago

    The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. -

    Edgar J Hoover

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  27. Triopia logo
    ChuckTrent64  over 15 years ago

    Worried about “rationed” health care? Don’t be. The Insurance companies have already rationed it for you. They have a lot more experience at it than the government.

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  28. Big meee
    ferndip  over 15 years ago


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    EarlWash  over 15 years ago

    jo shaw, Yes it’s only a cartoon.

    Doctor Toon, yes, I have had a most wonderful day.

    And yes, I try to be my brother’s keeper providing my brother behaves himself, otherwise he can take a hike.

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  30. No obama
    Guilden_NL  over 15 years ago

    Mxyxptik, Your beans are much more intelligent than the Liberals’ empty beans!

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    EarlWash  over 15 years ago

about death, yes, but much more pointedly about politics. Well done.

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  32. Flying owl rec
    tecolote  over 15 years ago

    He had it coming. He should have had MONEY!!!. What a useless idiot.

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