Not to be confused with a bullhorn, the bullhorn is on the front bumper of the “Crustwood” police car in the foreground. Now i’m just waiting around for some of you other regulars to horn in!
“Bully” for you bigg3469. My original thoughts also since it appears to be a gathering of “Bulls” or they could be looking for the “One Eyed, One HORN, Flying Purple People Eater” Sure looks strange to me!
MrPoppers over 15 years ago
Not to be confused with a bullhorn, the bullhorn is on the front bumper of the “Crustwood” police car in the foreground. Now i’m just waiting around for some of you other regulars to horn in!
margueritem over 15 years ago
Right you are, MrPoppers. Tell Verl to bring at least three chairs…. she can rent ‘em out…….
MrPoppers over 15 years ago
“Bully” for you bigg3469. My original thoughts also since it appears to be a gathering of “Bulls” or they could be looking for the “One Eyed, One HORN, Flying Purple People Eater” Sure looks strange to me!
FLIGHT SUIT over 15 years ago
dianecliff over 15 years ago
I love the backwards letters on Burl’s shirt.
FrozenFear over 15 years ago
Reminds me of a Dane Cook bit back from when he was funny.
bald over 15 years ago
they should but some of those folding camp style chairs and carry them everywhere they go
dane cook was funny ?