Eewwwww. But I guess that’s better than letting your cat who’s had half its jaw removed because of cancer drool all over your table and counters. (Not mine, a friend’s–she was very attached to it. Or did that sound bad??)
Day in, day out, this is the downright cutest strip in the paper, or on the ‘net. The bond between Doug and Sophie transcends formal speech, which neither of them are capable of, yet. I LOVE Sophie’s expression, and Doug’s approval of her speech :)
margueritem over 15 years ago
The ruling will probably go against you, Sophie…
Cymbol over 15 years ago
Pink collar? NO WAY! Sophie needs a pink tiara! A Princess must be properly adorned.
alondra over 15 years ago
Sophie and my Macushla think alike.
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
Even the human family member don’t get to sit on the table, Sophie.
pomy2191 over 15 years ago
lol seems like doug supports you sophie :)
dianecliff over 15 years ago
Years ago I dated a guy who’s family let their dog sit at the table during dinner and eat off of it!
MurphyHerself over 15 years ago
Eewwwww. But I guess that’s better than letting your cat who’s had half its jaw removed because of cancer drool all over your table and counters. (Not mine, a friend’s–she was very attached to it. Or did that sound bad??)
ForeverAllstar over 15 years ago
Doug’d give a standing O if he could stand. Sophie has just about the best facial expressions in all of comicdom, a thousand kudos Brian!
mllamm over 15 years ago
Day in, day out, this is the downright cutest strip in the paper, or on the ‘net. The bond between Doug and Sophie transcends formal speech, which neither of them are capable of, yet. I LOVE Sophie’s expression, and Doug’s approval of her speech :)
m b about 5 years ago
another awesome day in comicland