FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for November 16, 2009
Paige: I can't believe you brought a bag lunch today, Peter! Peter: Why? Paige: The cafeteria has steak on the menu! Peter: Paige, our cafeteria doesn't serve things like steak. Paige: It's printed right here! It's in black and white! Peter: And in all capital letters, you'll notice. Paige: I can't imagine why that would make a difference. Woman: And how would you like your squid tentacles, eggplant and ketchup cooked?
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ about 15 years ago
Ya’ gotta’ love this one!
Rakkav about 15 years ago
Oy gevalt! Barf City!
yyyguy about 15 years ago
there’s only one way to cook that mess. extremely well done (i.e. burnt into a tasteless mass of crispiness)
ejcapulet about 15 years ago
Deep fry it and then add the ketchup… mmmm….
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ about 15 years ago
Like Army food years ago. Remmeber SOS?
Lyons Group, Inc. about 15 years ago
Was that on the menu at “Under The Big Top” this morning?
TheWildSow about 15 years ago
Calamari, yum! Eggplant & Ketchup, not so much.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Calamari should definitely not be cooked to well done it becomes like rubber. How do I want it all cooked. First of all, just barely saute the squid, if there is nothing else served with the eggplant skip it and the ketchup. But this is a school, since when do you get a choice. Rubbery would be a good bet. LOL
Takiniteasy about 15 years ago
Sounds like calamari and eggplant parmesan to me.
Ray_C about 15 years ago
I don’t have a stake in this discussion.
kfaatz925 about 15 years ago
LOL! Great one - truth in advertising.
Ushindi about 15 years ago
Leave off the ketchup, and calamari and eggplant sounds great - however, NOT in a school cafeteria.
Nairebis about 15 years ago
Squidward! Say it’s not yoooouuuuu….. NOOOOOOOOOOO
MisngNOLA about 15 years ago
When the cooks on the boat would come up with a recipe that was particularly foul, we’d take extremely large servings of the stuff and dump them directly into the garbage. That way at least the guys getting off watch would get sliders instead of such dishes as Pork Pinto Adobo and Chicken Cordon Bleu, both decent enough dishes except for the way the cooks prepared them we called them “Pork Pinto Adobe” and “Chicken Condom Blew”. I am sure that somewhere, there is a Navy cookbook entitled “100 Ways To Burn Potatoes On The Outside And Leave Them Raw Inside”
Templo S.U.D. about 15 years ago
Andy mustn’t get the S.T.E.A.K. recipe.
ChukLitl Premium Member about 15 years ago
Eggplant is just purple squash. The meaty end of the squid is better than the stringy end, & it’s best raw, with or without teriyaki My ship served about a dozen variations on what we called Hong Kong slop. “It’s not just a job. It’s an adventure.” Especially on the mess deck.
brandicats about 15 years ago
i love squid and eggplant just no ketchup
chinook2 about 15 years ago
Well, fortunately, it isn’t like that kind of food in school. If a lunch is something fancy, like “Turkey Tettrazini”, don’t count on it being good.
brandicats about 15 years ago
I hate school food
Jestoon almost 15 years ago
a friend of mine actually found a screw in the food in elimentry school……
DerkinsVanPelt218 over 14 years ago
Ugh. Putting ketchup on takoyaki (octopus deep-fried in batter until crisp and gold) would ruin it. I’d rather have Oriental hot sauce on mine.
TINA ! over 5 years ago