It’s not Alzheimer’s when you forget WHERE your keys are, but WHAT your keys are.
A simple diagostic: draw the face of a clock with numbers and hands. If you can’t do it, there’s a problem.
it must be a man thing. My husband likes to walk around with the remote.. Then he puts it down in the oddest places. Like the washing machine.
I once put the sugar bowl in the fridge. That can’t be good, right? :-)
pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago
It’s not Alzheimer’s when you forget WHERE your keys are, but WHAT your keys are.
A simple diagostic: draw the face of a clock with numbers and hands. If you can’t do it, there’s a problem.
newworldmozart over 15 years ago
it must be a man thing. My husband likes to walk around with the remote.. Then he puts it down in the oddest places. Like the washing machine.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member about 15 years ago
I once put the sugar bowl in the fridge. That can’t be good, right? :-)