The Meaning of Lila by John Forgetta and L.A. Rose for June 11, 2009

  1. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  almost 16 years ago

    Do not get me started on that topic, Lila.

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  2. 611kwel
    611Kwel  almost 16 years ago

    Just wait till you hear, “I have to leave early because my child is sick.” or, “I can’t work because my child is out of school.”

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  3. Steelers logo
    arsmall  almost 16 years ago

    A lady just retired on my job. At the party her boss turned to her son and told him that his mother never once used her “single mother” status to recieve special privileges. Never asked for extra time off, she always had things taken care of concerning her child and it didn’t get in the way of her work.

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  4. Imgp0880
    ewennick  almost 16 years ago

    Twelve weeks. That’s crazy. Most industrialized countries give at least six months for maternity leave. Most EU countries get two years. Canadians get a full year, and receive 65% of their salary in employment insurance benefits for the year. And as for “special privileges,” arsmall, what privileges would those be? The privilege of looking after a sick child? The privilege of having to pay huge premiums for child care for an infant who is far too young to be away from its mother? I love how the American right wing preaches “family values” but is unwilling to allow any government concessions that shows it actually does value families. I guess only rich Americans are supposed to reproduce, huh? That would certainly take care of all those pesky minorities the righties seem to detest so much.

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  5. 00000
    alondra  almost 16 years ago

    Lila does have a point. If she and the others have to pick up the slack from one who’s on maternity leave they’re doing extra work for the same money. I think the solution would be to hire short term help.

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  6. Missing large
    Sternvogel  almost 16 years ago

    And where’s the money going to come from for that short-term help? Of course, that’s only a concern if Angela’s family leave time is paid by MetroMart…

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  7. Flight deck   salute
    hank197857  almost 16 years ago

    plot hole: lila should have no problem finding a man.

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  8. Misc536
    illuminatedillusion  almost 16 years ago

    A few years ago, one of my lecturers came back in late Sept heavily pregnant. She worked 2 weeks, which were mainly sorting out timetable and fee issues and then took maternity leave. She came back during the week of exams in May, only supervising. One of our other lecturers started complaining as she was having the baby at perfect timing to be paid for the year work including summer both Summers as she technically came back to work after maternity leave!

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