Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for November 28, 2009

  1. Palm
    SGIBeachbum  over 15 years ago

    Corky is a shrewd operator.

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  2. String
    stringmusicianer  over 15 years ago

    Gertie, what about your other job offer?

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  3. Dscn3076
    oldbooger  over 15 years ago

    I’m with Walt!

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  4. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  over 15 years ago

    stringmusicianer said, Gertie, what about your other job offer?

    Yes, no Bird on Thanksgiving?

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    alondra  over 15 years ago

    So the free meal offer was only for today when he knew the place was closed? I didn’t know Corky was such a jerk.

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  6. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Looks like leftovers after all!

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    ORteka  over 15 years ago

    I think Byrd flew the coop! Pretty dirty for Corky to do that. But then again, he was never there to manage his diner except for after the show.

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  8. Me
    imrobert  over 15 years ago

    If Gertie had Thanksgiving dinner with Skeezix and his family, wouldn’t they have sent leftovers home with Gertie and Uncle Wal?

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    EarlWash  over 15 years ago

    DrToon, The comment you made yesterday was wise. It is indeed best for us to not argue with idiots. We only pull ourselves down to their level.

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    jpozenel  over 15 years ago

    From the looks of Gertie in the first panel, she could afford to skip a meal or two.

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  11. Beatnik 128x128
    ocean17  over 15 years ago

    Rufus and the kitty aren’t part of the story. They’re just stuck in there from time to time as ornaments. What happens to them doesn’t matter, and that’s increasingly true of the other GA cast as well. What happens to Gertie, that’s what matters now. Her robust frame is sure to fill these panels wall to wall from now to Christmas and beyond.

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  12. Beatnik 128x128
    ocean17  over 15 years ago

    EarlWash: seems you’re in need of some netiquette training. Hanging around here carping about other posters and trying to start with them by calling them idiots …that’s called trolling. I kindly suggest you knock it off.

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  13. Th
    marvee  over 15 years ago

    Isn’t Rufus married? Someone would have missed him and probably knew he was working at the cemetery.

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  14. Th
    marvee  over 15 years ago

    Corky didn’t say anything about it being limited to a specific day.

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    EarlWash  over 15 years ago

    Devonshade, I heartily commend you for your volunteer work, Having served at the Union Gospel Mission a few times, it is indeed hard work to serve individuals who are on the most part not all that appreciative.

    After having done that, each time I found it necessary for me to surround myself with positive people and humor in order to recharge my batteries.

    So with that, be sure to take good care of yourself. Lead on.

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  16. String
    stringmusicianer  over 15 years ago

    Axe, you crack me up.

    Devonshade, what makes you think we aren’t doing something for others?

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  17. Missing large
    EarlWash  over 15 years ago

    I like to think that Devonshade was addressing those who aren’t, but could. Perhaps it was a note of encouragement for others to do likewise..

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