"Center for reincarnation studies" "Welcome back"
Deja Vu!
It’s life on Moebius Strip
I like it
The downside to studying reincarnation is inducing it.
What’d you say? I can’t remember five minutes ago let along a lifetime…..
Haha, I like it too. Very clever.
kinda looks like he’s ready to end it for good
The way the world is going, I don’t think I want to come back anymore - I liked it a lot better when I was in the 1800s…
can you go back to the future,,,it used to be promising?
what if u died when the world blew up, it get very annyoing when u keep getting born
July 17, 2015
Ray_C over 15 years ago
Deja Vu!
grapfhics over 15 years ago
It’s life on Moebius Strip
eardroppings over 15 years ago
I like it
McGehee over 15 years ago
The downside to studying reincarnation is inducing it.
shesapistol over 15 years ago
What’d you say? I can’t remember five minutes ago let along a lifetime…..
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
Haha, I like it too. Very clever.
MFdustin over 15 years ago
kinda looks like he’s ready to end it for good
lisa4romMpls over 15 years ago
Ushindi over 15 years ago
The way the world is going, I don’t think I want to come back anymore - I liked it a lot better when I was in the 1800s…
Magnaut over 15 years ago
can you go back to the future,,,it used to be promising?
Yllat over 15 years ago
what if u died when the world blew up, it get very annyoing when u keep getting born