Good for you channce. I’m still good friends with my ex. When I was dating my current wife we went on a camping trip to the ocean with my ex and her husband. Since I am a photographer, I also photographed their wedding and while I was single, I also spent every Thanksgiving with her and her husband. Sometimes relationships just end with no party responsible for causing the marriage to end. I looked back at the years I’d invested in the relationship and decided why end a great friendship.
Our institution is quite nice, thank you very much. In 21 years we’ve had fires to put out and repairs to be made to walls, ceilings and floors, but the work, like a great symphonic composition, resonates in those walls, ceilings and floors and we are proud of it.
Congrats channce, Burgundy and js305! My husband and I are only coming up on our third anniversary, but so far so good. Can definitely report on the truth of “love is a verb,” but it’s worth it.
Northwoodser over 15 years ago
Better to have loved,—-etc.
hotmetalbuttons over 15 years ago
I was married once, too. It made a lifetime seem like hell! (Just kidding. It wasn’t that bad. We were young and dumb.)
bald over 15 years ago
better to find out after only 6 months and not 10 years and a bunch of kids
Allan CB Premium Member over 15 years ago
poorkid: AMEN! LOL Truer words were never spoken.
Radical-Knight over 15 years ago
I might be able to figure them out if they would just slow down and quit changing!!
Silverpearl over 15 years ago
You have to both work at it to make it last.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Good for you channce. I’m still good friends with my ex. When I was dating my current wife we went on a camping trip to the ocean with my ex and her husband. Since I am a photographer, I also photographed their wedding and while I was single, I also spent every Thanksgiving with her and her husband. Sometimes relationships just end with no party responsible for causing the marriage to end. I looked back at the years I’d invested in the relationship and decided why end a great friendship.
Jogger2 over 15 years ago
Marriage is a wonderful institution…but who wants to live in an institution? – Groucho Marx
circuit7 over 15 years ago
Our institution is quite nice, thank you very much. In 21 years we’ve had fires to put out and repairs to be made to walls, ceilings and floors, but the work, like a great symphonic composition, resonates in those walls, ceilings and floors and we are proud of it.
oldseadog over 15 years ago
“Tis better to have loved and lost…much better.”
DebJ4 over 15 years ago
When people ask my sister how long she has been divorced, she always gives a big sigh, rolls her eyes, and replies: “Not nearly long enough!”
js305 over 15 years ago
My wife and I have been married for 60 years this year—She’s been married to me for 30, I’ve been married to her for 30, seems like 60 all together…
Really, we are satisfied pretty well with each other, just never go to bed mad, irritated, yes, but not mad.
Dkram over 15 years ago
Hey Deborah, My sister feels the same way.
kfaatz925 over 15 years ago
Congrats channce, Burgundy and js305! My husband and I are only coming up on our third anniversary, but so far so good. Can definitely report on the truth of “love is a verb,” but it’s worth it.