The Academia Waltz by Berkeley Breathed for December 18, 2003

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    tobybartels  over 16 years ago

    We'll open today's class with a superb example of 7th century east Indian erotic sculpture.

    Indeed… It is still a mystery to historians as to why the Indian culture became obsessed with sculptured erotica.

    But today we marvel at the aesthetic virtues of this artwork despite the rather vulgar subject matter.

    Observe if you will, the carefully crafter figures… Clad only in their chisled decadence…

    Consider the fullness of breast… The foul… Smoothness of… Sculptured… Flesh…

    I do so enjoy this lecture.

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    John Smith  over 7 years ago

    Does anyone have a moist towelette?

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    johnec  about 7 years ago

    I have an object d’art that features an unclothed form, and I can’t resist stroking it as I walk by – so I do understand, sir!

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