Garfield by Jim Davis for June 20, 1981

  1. Dill
    Constantinepaleologos  over 14 years ago

    Whoa, Jon’s got sissy pants.

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    sarahlizbusch  almost 14 years ago

    Hey, its 1981! Thats the kind of sport shorts men wore then.

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  3. Gun gopher2
    wndzman  over 13 years ago

    I think I broke a rib on this one. :)

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    MKJekyllAndHyde  over 3 years ago

    One of my favourites because this happened to a friend of mine though in his case, the cat jumped out of the basket before the bike crashed. He on the other hand fell. He was ok, but really embarrassed.

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    alexzinuro  8 months ago

    Here are two things that don’t make sense:

    1. When Jon saw the woman, why didn’t he stop the bike to try and ask her out?

    2. How could he have been riding fast enough for the bike to become so badly damaged after hitting a telephone pole? The front wheel being damaged makes sense, but how could the handlebars have come off?

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