Mailman: Mr. Arbuckle, it's about your cat... As a government employee I deserve respect. And I'm not getting any. Garfield: What'sa matter? Can't take a joke?
May 14, 2024
It’s hard to have respect in pink polka-dot underwear.
IF I was Garf I would whip him with the belt.
Be happy he’s not attacking you this time.
Government employees deserve respect? When did that start?
cats jokes are crule
“Whats matter? Can’t take a joke?”
Garfield, there are jokes that are funny, and ones that are just wrong. And unfortunately, pantsing a mailman is one of the wrong ones.
Marathon Zack about 9 years ago
It’s hard to have respect in pink polka-dot underwear.
zebm_the_awsome almost 9 years ago
IF I was Garf I would whip him with the belt.
glowing-steak32 about 8 years ago
Be happy he’s not attacking you this time.
Krendall over 6 years ago
Government employees deserve respect? When did that start?
business garfield the brave over 2 years ago
cats jokes are crule
JoeManzaJr over 1 year ago
“Whats matter? Can’t take a joke?”
Garfield, there are jokes that are funny, and ones that are just wrong. And unfortunately, pantsing a mailman is one of the wrong ones.