Garfield by Jim Davis for November 16, 2008
Scale: Greetings. I am a new state-of-the-art multifunction diagnostic scale. I not only provide digital and voice weight measurement to the ten-thousandth of a pound... But also body fat percentage, a muscle mass index rating, pulse reading, body temperature... ..oxygen, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels, HDL and LDL counts, and EKG measurements. Please step on. GREAT googly moogly!
margueritem over 16 years ago
Wow, that’s what my scale says!
mysteryd over 16 years ago
This comic strip is one of the reasons I love Garfield so much. It is so honest and so blatantly revealing! I am an overweight, pleasingly plumb, large girthed, God awful FAT! My scale must say the same thing.
Subtorp401 over 16 years ago
Recycled “fat” humour…again. Wonder if F.C. knows J.D. is using one of his tag lines?
Tetsuo over 16 years ago
Well, Garfield, you’re not just fat. Now your blood pressure is fat, your pulse reading is fat, your ekg measurements are fat…
sherpafree over 16 years ago
Vertically challenged.
wndrwrthg over 16 years ago
He’s not overwieght, he’s undertall.
Wildmustang1262 over 16 years ago
Ha ha ha ha ha… I like the way Garfield frowned on the last panel.
Furienna2 over 16 years ago
I can relate too, Margueritem.
GreighWolf over 16 years ago
Stomp it!!! Stomp it!!!
boogietheboog over 16 years ago
i would run away fast from that crazy scale
BugsMoran over 16 years ago
Please Subtorp401…nothing unique about “Great Googly Moogly” in tag line (or strip lines). That is right out of 1920’s Chicago. I remember my GREAT grandfather having uttered those words…and he was in the Spanish American War, so maybe HE coined the phrase. This note may come a bit late since 10 hours ago is when he wrote in.
tabbylynn over 16 years ago
but we all have to keep in mind that no matter what the scale tells you and others say, they all may say we are out of shape, but they learned nothing in school, becuase round is a shape. so take that scale. ha ha.
CaptainColorado over 16 years ago
The scale can also say “Only one person at a time, please”.
Firari95 over 16 years ago
Every feel like looking at old comics, and don’t wanna go pro? Here’s a glitch.
Replace “1978” with the year, “78” with the last two digits of the year, replace “06” with the day (must have “0” before single months like the June is the 5th, 05. And replace “19” with the day, same rule for the month, 5th, 05.
runar over 16 years ago
BugsMoran, the phrase also appears in the song “Nanook Rubs It” on Frank Zappa’s 1974 album Apostrophe (‘). However, FC has cholsen to make it a signature phrase in LM, so it’s as much his as “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” belongs to Star Wars
NewOrleansSaints over 8 years ago
That is funny!
SJVinton about 4 years ago
New functions, same attitude, that scale.
richinsbree over 2 years ago
Major Monogram, is that you?