Prairie Home Companion once intoduced aguy named Bob who had founded his own religion called Bobism. He really wanted tonameit after his wife Judy, but …
If Neil were real he’d have been in the hospital a long time ago. But since he’s not he doesn’t need to eat or go to the restroom like some are suggesting.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago
We all need to believe in something. I believe I’ll have another beer.
rshive almost 12 years ago
The beer performs a sacred ceremonial function. Lets us see a higher reality… or something.
Tsukuyomi almost 12 years ago
Did Neil go to the toilet
gcarlson almost 12 years ago
Prairie Home Companion once intoduced aguy named Bob who had founded his own religion called Bobism. He really wanted tonameit after his wife Judy, but …
QuietStorm27 almost 12 years ago
If Neil were real he’d have been in the hospital a long time ago. But since he’s not he doesn’t need to eat or go to the restroom like some are suggesting.