Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for April 17, 2009
Poncho: All right, so I have to help somebody. But who? I'm a dog of limited resources, and it's a big world out there. If only there was some kind of sign... Noise: WHAP! Fish: A pigeon with a pork-pie hat just flew into that window. Poncho: Oh, come on, not that guy!
alondra almost 16 years ago
Well it’s either the pigeon or one of the cats, your choice!
tabbylynn almost 16 years ago
lol. you chose, pigeon or a very upset fish..
cleokaya almost 16 years ago
You can help out a stunned bird. He’s to out of it at the moment to understand that you are not putting a lot of effort into actually helping him.
drewzilla031 almost 16 years ago
If I remember correctly, didn’t he already TRY to help a pigeon? The one that wasn’t good with the lady pigeons… Maybe pigeons just can’t be helped. :)
leslynmoore almost 16 years ago
Ha! ha! I told you, Fish. Keep working though; eventually, something might hit home (again, only when Poncho wants it to). I love it!!
joegee almost 3 years ago
I love porkpie pigeon.