Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for June 13, 1982

  1. Lonelemming
    Ernest Lemmingway  over 14 years ago

    The introduction of Bill the Cat. Besides Opus, no other character would be as synonymous with Bloom County and Outland as ol’ Bill. And no, he doesn’t start looking better in later strips; quite the opposite, really.

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    NJ Lyon  over 12 years ago

    And so it begins…ominous musical overtonesThe beginning of Bloom County as we know it.

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    NJ Lyon  over 12 years ago

    William T. Cat. Meadowcrat Presidential Canidate for 1984, 1988, 1992, and 2012, infamous TV evangelist, Rajneesh cultist, Bloom County mayor, lead electric tongue-player for Billy and the Boingers, Garfield rip off, second most famous pet of Mike Binkley, and co-star of Bloom County, Outland, and Opus for 25 years. Unlike Opus, his introduction portrays him much the same as in later strips.

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    biglar  almost 11 years ago

    I had a few of those T-Shirts.

    My favorite was the “Outland Men’s Couch Club” shirt a friend bought me.

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  5. Shininghours lettert
    Doug_tuttle  about 2 years ago

    the king has entered the building!

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    DontBlameMeIVotedForBillNOpus  11 months ago

    I still have my Bill the Cat Flammable Pajamas. Probably worth a lot on eBay as few have survived.

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