Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for January 27, 2011
Goat: What are you doing? Rat: Editing the dictionary. I'm crossing out words we don't need anymore and replacing them with ones we do. The first to get the axe was 'fortnight.' Goat: What's wrong with 'fortnight'? Rat: Unnecessary. Normal people say 'two weeks.' It's only purpose is to make pompous people feel pompouser. Goat: Since when is 'pomposer' a word? Rat: Since it replaced 'fortnight.' Goat: You are not replacing 'fortnight.' Rat: Whoa. You're sounding pompouser and pompouser.
comicsnerd74 over 9 years ago
I once used “fortnight” in normal conversation.Now I feel so FRIKKING EMBARRASSED!
GAVINPORTEOUS almost 7 years ago
Fortnite….:/ Who plays it?
redpanda over 6 years ago
I say Fortnight a lot…But I’m talking about the video game
Hi, my name is over 6 years ago
I play it
dom cos about 6 years ago
Well that´s ironic
pdc123fme over 5 years ago
Fortnite now means a video game where you shoot people. It is only good for memes and dances
Drunk Larry over 1 year ago
fortnite battle pass
T- Mak 7 months ago
It is fortnight whenever I cook up a pot of bacon ‘n’ beans. Except with an “a”.
buzzfan120 7 months ago
“Since when is ‘pompouser’ a word?”
I don’t see why not; it’s a perfectly cromulent word. (Simpsons reference)
On a side note, Stephan: “Oooohhhh…if you want it to be a possessive, it’s just I-T-S. But if it’s supposed to be a contraction, then it’s I-T-apostrophe-S!”
idrees.subhan 4 months ago
not that fortnite you gen alphas