Peanuts by Charles Schulz for June 21, 1964
Violet says, "My dad has more credit cards than your dad!" Charlie Brown tries to hit a rock wit a stick and says, "You're probably right . . ."<BR><BR> Violet says, "My dad can hit a golf ball farther than your dad . . ." Charlie Brown says, "I know . . . My dad still cuts across his tee shots . . ."<BR><BR> Violet says, "My dad can bowl better than your dad . . ." Charlie Brown swings his arm and says, "I know . . . My dad still hasn't learned to give that ball any real lift . . ."<BR><BR> Violet says, "My dad can . . ." Charlie Brown interupts and says, "Wait a minute . . . Don't say any more . . . Just come with me . . . I want to show you something."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown says, "See this? This is my dad's Barber shop . . . He works in there all day long . . . He has to deal with all sorts of people . . . Some of them get kind of crabby . . . But you know what?"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown continues, "I can go in there any time and no matter how busy he is, he'll always stop and give me a big smile . . . And you know why? Because he likes me, that's why!"<BR><BR> Violet walks away and says, "Happy Father's day, Charlie Brown . . ." Charlie Brown replies, "Thank you . . . Please greet your dad for me . . ."<BR><BR>
LadyBlanc about 12 years ago
And for once, he wins one. Good ol’ Charlie Brown.
Miss Othmar about 12 years ago
tammsys almost 12 years ago
glowing-steak32 about 11 years ago
That was so sweet. <3
MrJamie1062 over 10 years ago
Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of this strip. It’s Sunday, June 22, 2014, as I post this comment(and I know Father’s Day was last week), but, still, happy 50th anniversary to this Peanuts strip, from Father’s Day, 1964. And again, it’s good to see peace, between Charlie Brown and Violet, at the end here, instead of she going out of her way to put CB’s dad down, by claiming her dad to be FAR BETTER, in multiple respects.
GenreChowderStudios almost 9 years ago
You know what’d be a really messed up and completely unnecessary twist? If Violet were making all of this stuff up to cope with the fact that her dad is actually dead. Dun dun dunnnnnnn~
ootey over 7 years ago
This is the greatness of the soul of Charlie Brown – many pick on him, but he knows what is most important.
nmrn85343 almost 7 years ago
CB’s dad is a barber? And he cuts CB’s hair like THAT?
ootey over 6 years ago
Happiness is a loving Dad.
SpongebobPatrickBackwards over 4 years ago
kill em with kindness.
thepinkbaroness over 4 years ago
Wholesome :)
schillig7 almost 2 years ago
Never let it be said that Charlie Brown didn’t have his small victories now and then.
yow4zip Premium Member 9 months ago
Good old Charlie Brown.
peanutsmean 3 months ago
One of my all-time favorites