Peanuts by Charles Schulz for November 08, 1964
Snoopy sits in an armchair reading a story. His ears stand on end.<BR><BR> Linus writes, "Linus Van Pelt English I"<BR><BR> Linus stands next to Snoopy's doghouse and says, "Snoopy, I"d like to read you a story I've written and illustrated for school . . . 'Once there was a little girl who had a headache.'"<BR><BR> Linus says, "'Her mom gave her some pills, but they didn't help. Her mom then took her to the doctor.'" Linus has drawn a picture of a doctor wearing a stethescope listening to the heartbeat of the sick girl.<BR><BR> Linus continues, "'The doctor was unable to find anything wrong.'" Linus draws the doctor scratching his head in confusion while the girl stands next to him.<BR><BR> Linus reads, "'The little girl's mother took her home and put her to bed . . . Her head throbbed.'"<BR><BR> Linus continues, "'Her little brother came in and said, "Maybe your ears are too tight."'"<BR><BR> Linus reads, "'So he loosened each ear one turn back. Her headache suddenly stopped, and she never had another headache again.'"<BR><BR> Snoopy shakes Linus's hand.<BR><BR> Linus says, "I guess he didn't like it . . . That was his 'Good luck, you're going to need it.' handshake!"<BR><BR>
woodnote over 13 years ago
I read somewhere that in the early Peanuts strips Schulz on very rare occasions drew adults. I have never seen one of those strips. If anyone can tell me the date of any of those strips, I would be grateful. Thanks. (This one above doesn’t count since it is supposed to be Linus who drew the doctor.)
LuigitheMetal64 over 11 years ago
Wow! That doctor look hideous!
Dusty Moonrise over 11 years ago
And in later television specials, the adults couldn’t even speak english! “Wah,wawaah,wahwah”.
ootey over 7 years ago
I love Linus’ story and Snoopy’s reaction.
Mr Pets about 2 years ago
I love the doctor Linus drew!
yow4zip Premium Member 3 months ago
That’s some advanced hand shaking.