Peanuts by Charles Schulz for March 04, 1966

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    DanWolfie  over 7 years ago

    Woodstock hatches!

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    RazorT  over 7 years ago


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    PatrickASL  about 5 years ago

    Welcome to the strip, Woodstock!

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    zodal  about 3 years ago

    This is pre-Woodstock. The real Woodstock appears one year later

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    The-Mage  about 2 years ago

    I don’t think we can be positive as to if this is actually Woodstock or not. Every source I have found was written after Schulz’s passing. Wikipedia is based on a book 17 years after he passed, and the page didn’t exist until 2020. Both of these list April 4th, 1967 as the first appearance.

    Fandom Wiki lists March 4, 1966, as the first appearance of Woodstock but doesn’t list any source.

    My personal belief is that this looks like the same bird as next year, and flies the same way. Prior to this, no birds drawn by Schulz looked like this, including the one that built the nest. So I believe this is Woodstock, and he simply came back to the person/dog who “raised” him.

    I also think it would be strange that this bird appears in 15 stips from March 3rd to May 22, then a completely different bird who looks and flies the same would suddenly appear less than a year later.

    If somebody finds a source from Schulz, please link it here.

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    FrostbiteFalls  over 1 year ago

    In at least one interview (I couldn’t give the exact source), Schulz said that this is the story arc where Woodstock first appeared, with him being one of the baby birds, continuing with one of them returning and continuing to hang around, until Snoopy came to regard him as his “friend of friends”, along the way working as Snoopy’s caretaker or secretary and finally being given a name around 1970.

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    benjaminlclark  12 months ago

    Schulz describes this as Woodstock’s introduction in an essay he wrote for TV Guide, published February 23, 1980

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