Peanuts by Charles Schulz for August 31, 1968
Charlie Brown walks with Linus and says, "Now, I see why those letters from Lila would upset Snoopy so much."<BR><BR> Linus stops and says, "Sure, he was trying to forget her, but when he found out she was in the hospital, he ran off to see her . . ."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown and Linus sit on the curb. Charlie Brown frowns and says, "I'll bet he wishes he was still her dog instead of mine . . ." Linus says, "I doubt it, Charlie Brown . . He wouldn't have been happy in an apartment."<BR><BR> Snoopy sits on the doghouse and thinks, "Here's The World War I Flying Ace zooming through the air in his Sopwith Camel!"<BR><BR>
weatherford.joe over 9 years ago
Man, the dialogue for the past several strips were used almost word-for-word in Snoopy, Come Home.
MrJamie51 over 2 years ago
At least now Charlie Brown finally had the answer to who this mysterious Lila girl was, how exactly she pertained to Snoopy, and why the letters Snoopy was getting from her were upsetting him.
alien011 5 months ago
It’s a bit of a wasted opportunity, would have been kind of funny if Lila was the red-haired girl.