Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for January 27, 1985

  1. Felipe
    Strod  about 4 years ago

    This seems to be the famous strip that included a photo of Nancy Reagan. Why am I fairly sure?  Because I found this article, dated January 29, 1985:

    Which says:  “President Reagan liked a caricature of his wife Nancy so much in Sunday’s ″Bloom County″ newspaper comic strip that he called cartoonist Berke Breathed and ended up being promised the original.”

    Berkeley Breathed mentioned the incident in a talk with his publisher (made to celebrate the 40th anniversary years of Bloom County):

    (go to 24:05) Interestingly, BB says that Nancy only appeared in one panel, but he’s misremembering.

    (I must admit that I thought it was NOT Nancy Reagan due to the hairdo. If I had not unearthed the evidence, my vote would have gone for one of the advice column ladies.)

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