“Skip to My (The) Lou” is a popular American partner-stealing dance from the 1840s. … and Alan Lomax wrote that “Skip to My Lou” was a simple game of stealing partners (or swapping partners as in square dancing). It begins with any number of couples skipping hand in hand around in a ring.
detour_jones over 15 years ago
And I’m sure in Red’s mind the Guinness Book folks are standing by… either that or Ripley’s
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
aahhh. The simple life.
kfaatz925 over 15 years ago
Musical stones! Very cute. What other songs can they do?
Durak Premium Member over 15 years ago
I gotta admit, it took me a minute. Now I just need to know, what is Rover doing in the last panel?
1148559 over 15 years ago
Rover is also collecting rocks… if you look carefully, you can see that he’s dropping one on that pile in the last panel.
He has to use his mouth, so he can’t carry as many as Red.
ᴅᴇʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ ᴜꜱᴇʀ (#5372) almost 3 years ago
“Skip to My (The) Lou” is a popular American partner-stealing dance from the 1840s. … and Alan Lomax wrote that “Skip to My Lou” was a simple game of stealing partners (or swapping partners as in square dancing). It begins with any number of couples skipping hand in hand around in a ring.