Pickles by Brian Crane for March 26, 2006

  1. Screenshot 2020 11 25 at 10.09.04 am
    Kid Covid  almost 4 years ago


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  2. Screenshot 20210119 013044 gallery
    Frankie5466  about 3 years ago

    the woman is an absolute menace!

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  3. Dog
    robert423elliott  about 2 years ago

    Remember, Opal, like the rest of the strip, is written by a man. So, you are reading what Brian Crane sees in this female. Does he see all women that way? I don’t know. He has to make her funny and crotchety to maintain his style of living. LOL Who would want to read a strip about a loving wife that only does what we want? You already have control of your own life. Her fussiness is your escape from that! Just as Brian intended!

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