Little Dog Lost by Steve Boreman for October 14, 2009

  1. Desert landscape
    FUNG1  over 15 years ago

    Steve BOREME … this is a cartoon, not a story book!

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  2. 5346ae65734b4d0e82350407ef0d8e00 250
    cleokaya  over 15 years ago

    I for one thing this strip is great. What’s your problem FUNG?

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  3. Img 0813
    GoodQuestion Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Cleo-FUNG1 wasn’t invited to the party. Sour grapes.

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  4. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Poor little fellow! I hope more animals come to his party!

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  5. Foxhound1
    bald  over 15 years ago

    they are possibly at the tortoise’ party

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  6. Sweet taffy
    Quabaculta  over 15 years ago

    Ya know, Fung1, axe-grinder and our most annoying not norman chubsywubsy need to form a group of their own. They could whine, B* and moan to their heart’s content…..and we could enjoy true criticisms of the strip. It’s had bad moments (like Slim and the meteor) worthy of a b*fest, but these are enjoyable arcs.

    Okay guys, go ahead and pummel me with your right to gripe. You’ll just be confirming yourself as ego-tripping trolls.

     •  Reply
  7. Sweet taffy
    Quabaculta  over 15 years ago

    Ya know, Fung1, axe-grinder and our most annoying not norman chubsywubsy need to form a group of their own. They could whine, B—h and moan to their heart’s content…..and we could enjoy true criticisms of the strip. It’s had bad moments (like Slim and the meteor) worthy of a b—hfest, but these are enjoyable arcs.

    Okay guys, go ahead and pummel me with your right to gripe. You’ll just be confirming yourself as ego-tripping trolls.

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  8. Missing large
    dreamweaver25  over 15 years ago

    i kno…poor guy…i would have gon…

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