Lisa Benson for June 23, 2009

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    Buzzy-One  about 15 years ago

    A thorough and accurate statement, oh yes indeed !

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Does she even watch TV? Has she seen the video of the young woman, Neda, killed by the Iranian militia? You know, it’s nice to sit in a room and draw cartoons, but some people are actually out there in the streets risking their lives. The Acorn registration problems didn’t result in any provable election fraud. To compare some overblown Faux News talking points to the actual, provable deaths of young people is despicable. Shame on you!

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    cjkinsey  about 15 years ago

    well said tj

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    Doreen Rice Premium Member about 15 years ago

    you need to lay off the Michelle Bachman juice - it is making you bat sh*t crazy, just like her.

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    tjdestry Acorn ran and funded by democrats, democrats are in control. Of course there was no provable fraud. Democrats do not care how they win, they only care if they win and if they loose they cry FRAUD first! See 2000 and 2004 elections. But when the shoe is on the other foot, you say “Acorn registration problems didn’t result in any provable election fraud”. I hear a double standard again. You democrats amuse me.

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    Dtroutma  about 15 years ago

    Our state has the initiative process. The biggest crook in the state has made millions collecting signatures (fraudulent) on petitions- He an arch “conservative”. Acorn pointed out, and eliminated, the fraudulent registrations.

    Iran can run their elections, it’s their business, but we should do a better job in Florida, and Ohio- left or right Chicago will stay Chicago, so forget that one. I remember folks trying to sign up stiffs in California for Brown AND Nixon, we still ended up having him to “kick around” again.

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    pbrown280c  about 15 years ago


    It’s satire. Do you even know the meaning of the word?

    What amuses me is that you even bother to read it. Why torture yourself? You have a multitude of outlets, commentators, and cartoonists preaching to your choir, yet you choose to come here and bore us with your drivel.

    Go away, troll.

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    dtroutma Nice to here Acorn eliminating the competition.

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    macb423  about 15 years ago

    Lisa Benson strikes me as a bit of a dummy.

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    NancyPelosi  about 15 years ago

    Mealy mouthed Obama has no problem bashing Bush, Republicans or conservative journaists and commentators, but he’s careful not to upset his Islamic and Commie masters in Iran and North Korea. I’m so ashamed to have such a worthless piece of garbage as president. The United Nations, various European countries leaders and even the Democrats and Republicans of Congress were condemning Iran for killing protesters, while Obama was off eating ice cream and complaining about how evil Republicans are!


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    nomad2112  about 15 years ago

    Nice one L. Benson.

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    DrCanuck I got this one! Do to all the liberals, our justice system is broke.

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    DrCanuck I believe guilt has been proven it just pushed away for the democratic cause. Why would President Obama allow them to be prosecuted? That would make him more invalid.

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    Joe Snedaker  about 15 years ago

    DrCanuck Look it up, you’ll find “facts” all over the place. You just refuse them because they do not come from socialist networks (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, ETC.)

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    NorthCarolinian  almost 15 years ago

    Some people suggest that ACORN didn’t commit voter fraud. Sorry folks, it did. FOX wasn’t the only one to carry the story.

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