Lisa Benson for July 31, 2009

  1. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  almost 15 years ago

    About as much as Benson can grasp.

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    Joe Snedaker  almost 15 years ago

    How many is congress have read or plan to read the Obamacare bill? What is it 1,100 page of puke? I bet NOT 1 single looser democrat that votes yes will read more then 5 pages.

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  3. Bari sax
    edrush  almost 15 years ago

    I guess the dogs would have to get drunk to believe that the current system is better for anyone other than insurance executives.

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  4. Images
    Buzzy-One  almost 15 years ago

    MyTinyBrain gives his insight as usual. - parkerinthehouse, doesn’t make much sense betting aginist loaded odds.

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    Joe Snedaker  almost 15 years ago

    Buzzy-One Nice insult! Wouldn’t expect anything less. I suppose you feel them NOT reading the bill is OK? I call it unconstitutional, but you people don’t seem to care as long as it is a democrat as president.

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    Joe Snedaker  almost 15 years ago

    I just read that Obamacare is going to require euthanasia counseling, the frequency of which increases with age and illness. It mandates counsel to “increase the frequency interval” between pregnancies (in other words, bureaucrats will tell you when you should have a child). And it even requires taxpayers to pay for “sex change” surgeries! President Obama is a sick, misguided and twisted human.

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    Joe Snedaker  almost 15 years ago

    DrCanuck 1st. What are you talking about? Who is “she”? Probably another attempted insult. 2nd What politician plans on reading it all? I do not care if you or I or some other organization reads it. 3rd Thank you for keeping the insult going. If you can’t beat them, insult them. It’s OK I do it too. I’ll get back with you Monday, I must go.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 15 years ago

    Nobody read the “Patriot Act”, or “Military Commissions Act”, but the morons voted for them. Very few bills are read by other than aids, who prepare summaries. One (better?) solution is to break down any program as broad as this into about 6-10 separate bills, that could then be amended, altered, or improved as necessary. OMG, let’s NOT try to apply any common sense here.

    Benson just drinks unKool Aid, not beer.

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  9. Baboon
    NancyPelosi  almost 15 years ago

    Glenn Beck showed the online government site for people to sign up for “Cash for Clunkers” and in the fine print it states that while there your computer is property of the government and various agencies, domestic AND foreign are allowed access to everything on your computer!

    Big Brother Obama is looking in!

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 15 years ago

    I checked out the site, and Beck is Bleeccchh, nuts. Limbaugh’s nuttier brother.

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  11. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    All these beer cartoons are making me thirsty.

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  12. Willow
    nomad2112  almost 15 years ago

    So, they’re going to buy beer with OUR money?

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  13. Image013
    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    i do believe Beck is seriously brain damaged … and my tinytown, don’t buy into that nonsense …. have you been admitted to a hospital lately? They push patients to complete an “advance directive” or designate a healthcare proxy because the hospital does NOT want to make decisions about end of life care. Having a family physician discuss this in advance with a patient when there is no crisis or fear or imminent danger is neither sick nor twisted; it is, in fact, the best way for a person to have a say in their own care and not leave it to others to make decisions about:

    if you have an inoperable, terminal brain tumor, do you want to undergo a hip replacement?

    If you have Alzheimers and are nearing the end of your life, do you want to be sustained artificially with a feeding tube?

    If you are declared brain dead, do you want to be kept alive with a breathing tube and for how long?

    Discussing these things in advance with a family doctor, or with a designated family member, gives the patient more control and is kinder than having an unexpected event during surgery, for example, and the hospital has to make these decisions.

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  14. Willow
    nomad2112  almost 15 years ago

    BCS said - If you have Alzheimers and are nearing the end of your life, do you want to be sustained artificially with a feeding tube?

    If you are declared brain dead, do you want to be kept alive with a breathing tube and for how long?

    Well BCS, I guess that depends on how much my loved ones value my life.

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  15. Image013
    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    nomad, you ducked the question! And if you won’t decide, what direction would you give your family members, because the answer to “that depends on how much my loved ones value my life” is to follow your wishes.

    t’ain’t really funny, the two questions of mine that you included in your post have happened to members of my family

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  16. Stitch
    dshepard  almost 15 years ago

    After a tractor-trailer full of beer they were a little more impressionable – I mean, open minded!

    One step closer to being sold a bill of goods.

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    yayliberalism  almost 15 years ago

    …this cartoon and the conversation makes me think back to a line. It doesnt take a genius to see the world has problems but it takes a room full of morons to think they are small enough for you to handle (the watchmen) . It applies in this case by association. We have forced people into that room of morons possition and hell if i had that happen id probably drink too just to make it end faster………

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