epipsychidion7 said: not a bad idea, we should all find that little gene that makes us unique…uff!
They have: EPIGENES!
The fluid surrounding the genes is more flexible to environmental changes, including our own willful desires and choices, and the epigenes push out into the open, or push back from expressing, various aspects of the genetic potential. So, we are all (and each) capable of a whole lot more of the “good stuff” than geneticists once thought. Also, epigenes were what was causing the changes that Darwin noticed. Whoo Whooo! (Translation: Glory to God in the Highest and on the earth peace to MenOfGoodWill!)
epipsychidion7 over 16 years ago
not a bad idea, we should all find that little gene that makes us unique…uff!
CoronellaKeiper over 16 years ago
epipsychidion7 said: not a bad idea, we should all find that little gene that makes us unique…uff!
They have: EPIGENES! The fluid surrounding the genes is more flexible to environmental changes, including our own willful desires and choices, and the epigenes push out into the open, or push back from expressing, various aspects of the genetic potential. So, we are all (and each) capable of a whole lot more of the “good stuff” than geneticists once thought. Also, epigenes were what was causing the changes that Darwin noticed. Whoo Whooo! (Translation: Glory to God in the Highest and on the earth peace to MenOfGoodWill!)