The Buckets by Greg Cravens for May 19, 2011
Sarah says, "Hi. Eddie's cub scout pack needs snacks for tonight's meeting." Larry says, "Ok." Sarah says, "Toby needs to be picked up from practice at 8:00." Larry says, "Ok." Sarah says, "My favorite show will need to be recorded. I'm going to the camera club meeting" Larry says, "Ok." Sarah says, "Great. Thanks." Larry says, "You're welcome. Was there anything you need me to do?"
Cartertoons over 13 years ago
Why is a world-class syndicated strip in the Sherpa section? I know Universal recently acquired United Features… maybe this one somehow got misplaced.
steelersneo over 13 years ago
Hey Greg, any way to get the rest of the Archives moved over as well?
M2MM about 4 years ago
THIS is how most husbands think when their spouses drop this kind of “news” on them. We ladies must be more direct in how we ask our men for help.