Sylvia by Nicole Hollander for August 18, 2009

  1. Beau close up
    mivins  over 15 years ago

    Don’t worry, dear. Obviously these guests can swallow anything.

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Actually Sylvia (and Nicole), climate change DOES have a scientific basis. The evidence is overwhelming that climate changes constantly on many overlapping cycles ranging from decades to tens of thousands of years, and all with no effect from puny human activities.

    The evidence is accumulating that there has been no global warming over the last ten years, even as carbon dioxide increases. Al Gore’s 100,000-year ice-core chart doesn’t show that CO2 causes warming, it shows that a warming ocean releases dissolved CO2 like a beer going flat.

    Lumping these facts with the idiot “birthers” and lunatic moon-landing deniers is unjust, even if it’s only to get a laugh.

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    2ndKnight  over 15 years ago

    So Genius how does one explain the increase in acidity of the oceans due to increase in dissolved CO2? The absorbtion spectra of CO2 is known and the amount of fossilized CO2 being added to the atmosphere is known. The calculated increase in energy added to the biosphere due to human activity has to have a profound effect .

    Go Sylvia.

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  4. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago

    2ndKnight: You must not be aware that “Genius” is this website’s badly-thought out replacement for “Pro”, meaning I pay for my comics.

    Are the oceans becoming more acidic? Haven’t seen that claim yet. If so, then that should be a good thing by your assumptions since that removes CO2 from the atmosphere. But the more significant point is that as greenhouse gases go, CO2 is insignificant compared to the effect of water vapor on a planet 70% covered with water. Ever spend a night in a desert? Gets cold because the lack of water vapor allows the day’s heat to dissipate as radiative cooling.

    Most important of all is the politics. The history in Germany is informative. Former Reds turned Green, hoping to use climate scares to force government control of industrial society in a way they couldn’t by ideology. And washed-up loser politicians like Al Gore are trying it here and getting Nobel Prizes and Oscars for it.

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